Let's see your best thralls!

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I did not play PvP yet, but I definately will try her out, because killing raid bosses in single player became boring with her, so most of the times she just stands at my base doing nothing. A sword of crom, and she is 100% ready!

a t3 thrall

It’s not exactly a thrall but a pet but I thought it would fit here as well:

This is my greater jaguar and I think her stats turned out pretty nice. I can’t exactly see how much damage she does since the inventory stats are bugged and show 0 for me but she is able to kill a skeleton in the unnamed city with her leap attack instantly, I will go and test the kitty in other scenarios now as well (bosses and such).


it’s cute…

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Not a redeemed SL bp. If I ever get a purge armorer I could squeeze 1 more str out of that.


Holy hell, he’s one absolute unit. Equip him with an axe of the lion, or schtye of thag, he will get 5 more strength points. That’s how I captured the screenshots of my thralls.
Wonder if he can get past 100…
Sadly the higher default melee multiplier ones (volcano thralls have 3,9, dalinsia got 3,92, Lian has around 3,2 base damage multiplier I believe) don’t come with highest strength attribute points.

I am on Pc but here is my guard Filetooth.


Filetooth is a named, Tier 4 Fighter NPC of the Darfari Cannibals Faction.

He was gotten a few leagues from the Dregs on the starter river. He can only be gotten in a purge such as below.
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals (Ostriches)

He was fed just what you see in his inventory, one level steaks, second level switch to lasting meal all the way to level 10 then only steaks for the next 10 levels. He has wore the same armor from level one / 0 Hp .

I leveled him slowly on the river with the same npcs he would have fought with in the purge he was taken in. He did seem to take forever to break I have to say but he was worth the wait.

He is a beast and a very able bodied body guard to my Sarana.

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Aww I had a filetooth before I server wiped. Now I want him back!

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What chest piece is that?

Which thrall have you seen that has the highest strength attribute points?

Right out of the wheel of enjoyment, nordheimer berserker, Lian and Janos. Basically T4 nordheimers.

You said lian was one of the higher thralls but sadly he doesn’t have some of the highest attribute points. That’s why I asked because I believe him to have such, also nordheimer berserkers have lower base damage than lian and Janos. Along with the chieftain fighters from Asgard suck.

Maybe at level 20, he only will have 35 points in there, it’s partially luck.
He has 30 strength at start, it means he has a certain percentage of bonus melee damage.
But thralls also have damage multipliers. So the math should look like this: (weapon damage*damage multiplier [thats not shown in game]) + their bonus damage percentage from strength attributes.

Firespark81 has videos about it, he can explain better, and knows all the multipliers.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I’m not good at english.

I understand all of this, the reason I asked was solely because you threw lian(who I believe had the highest strength attribute points in the game) into the mix and said he and the other top thralls like dalinsia do not have the highest strength attributes. I full understand the leveling system and most of the thralls in the game.

Which are officialy not in the game anymore (currently). You only get them, because of Mods (mostly the one from Multigun).

But yeah, its a good question if a Lian or Jano at lvl20 makes more dmg than volcano/rhts/cim-zerkers at lvl20.

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my best fighter (base lian)

Best Archer (Base dragoon)

For PVE Lian is definitely a go to option. He Levels fast and starts with 30 strength. I have set one out (out of hundreds) and he had 100% growth chance in strength, so I just gave him grilled steak for vitality bonus. With full strength gear and after perks his strength was like 86 maybe more (on a different server), with a sword of crom I was killing unnamed city bosses in a minute. Only downfall is that he sets with lower health than the berserker but for pve with food and some healing arrows nothing is gonna come close to killing him.

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