Leveling Thralls might be useless

I restarted the game 2 weeks ago. I only play singleplayer. The difference between my lvl 12 Dalinsia and Level 1 Dalinsia is about 1100 hp.

I’m not complaining. Just not sure if this leads to any viable reasoning behind leveling thralls. At this time, I’m not sure I would ever want to use a higher level thrall for anything other then defense. Leveling them doesn’t seem worth it. (I also don’t want to potentially lose a thrall I put work into) I could be completely wrong. (I hadn’t played the game where leveling thralls was available until 2 weeks ago) So it honestly doesn’t affect me so much.

I’m just curious if people think it’s actually worth it? It might be, I don’t know.

It seems to defeat the reasoning for leveling characters. Then again I’m posting this as someone that only plays the game without other players.

I’ll never be anything but amazed by this game. People complain, I do to, but this game is amazing in so many ways.

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If there was a video of the last time I got wiped, it would explain it all for you. I trash followers when it isn’t working out the way we expect. You’re experiencing RNG on a leash.

At times it doesn’t matter what their build is like. I read people use healing arrows to get them to survive. As far I know, the arrows aren’t suppose to heal the other player/thrall.

I use the healing arrows to heal thralls…I just am not sure leveling thralls is worth the effort. Their HP being slashed isn’t an issue, the bonuses you get from leveling them might be.

Hell, I think a thrall in game that absolutely sucked but turned into a beast at later levels would be nice.

1100 hp for 12 levels (in my case the perks weren’t good either) doesn’t seem worth it.

I’m just curious, and fully understand I could be absolutely wrong in my thinking.

Edit: at this point I don’t know why I would risk my level 12 to gather potential thralls when I can use my level 1 and not care if she dies. The risk doesn’t seem worth it at all. Yes, I’ll continue leveling the 12…but only on stuff I know she has no possibility of dying to.

She almost died collecting potential thralls in Mounds of the Dead 2 days ago. =P She had over 11,000 hp then too .

I was kinda gutted to see my 12k HP Dalinsia get dropped down to 7k HP after this last patch…I hope she is still a survivor, I also only play solo on pve server.

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It was just really poor game development and player expectation management to implement a new feature that really made thralls fun, exciting and viable, then to nerf the heck out of them. A much better approach would have been to slightly scale up monsters if the re-worked thralls were too good, which they could easily have done and which would have had a similar effect without the disappointment that comes with having your new toy completely trashed by a patch.

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I’m not exactly sure how the mechanics work, but I believe some of that is multipliers. So, if for example, you equipped her with an armor that gave a Vitality increase, I think you may be surprised how much difference it makes. IMO, it’s worth it, because even if it’s a small change, the thrall gets better with every level.

Well the reason is/was that: How should anybody be happy about a leveling system if fully-leveld lvl20 thralls are worse than level0 from the old system.

And it looks like we are going into that direction. Pre leveling patch, volcano or cims had 7415hp. OUT OF THE BOX. No leveling needed…

And now what we have after this patch…

Many didnt play before or have a memory of a goldfish or simple dont care or even want the nerf. It will not change…

So basically, Funcom made thralls OP (like they said in their livestream showing the leveling system - “leveled thralls get SIGNIFICANTLY stronger”) to sell the new leveling system and now after >6 months, it will be nerfed to even sth LOWER as before the leveling patch came.

I think if there would be 1 game which is basically the same like CE, 99% of the playerbase would ditch this game and play the other…
But there isnt one. Hence why enough still stick to the game… But my playing times get lower and lower each week. And I see the same on the PvE server I play…

Also the next question: Why did PC get a patch? It was (and is still) broken on testlive. There is no NEW content or DLC tied with it? Why the rush??


I was wondering that as well. It seems rushed to me, but I’m new at testing and didn’t have experience to compare it to.

Your thrall leveling not vitality-maybe strength or some other attributes.Leveling have some tricks to get good thrall

its the new patch the OP is talking about I think because I had a 12k health Dalinsia and now she is at 7.5k the new patch nerfed thralls health a lot.

That’s better, a slight change is better than a huge one, that way you won’t be “forced” to level your thralls and then complain if one of them dies.

Also if you think 1100 hp is not a lot, look at your own health bar. That without mention their strenght increase armor and resistance to some effects.

So I just came back to the game after a 4 month break, and grabbed a level 3 bearer, and started leveling her, she now at level 17 has 23,0000+ Hit Points. I dont understand the leveling system I guess.

I have t3 bearer before with over 30k hp.This with normal perks.But you can get +15 vit perk…but now will be less

Yes,after this patch.Level 6 Dalinsia kills 3 skulls croc double faster then before.Because in this patch bosses are nerfed too.And faster killing-get less damage.She lost about 15 percents HP.So still OP

Mine lost about 40% HP…But you are right she still holds her own against the bosses.

You want to level your thralls. Get them to 10 and if they get a good perk keep levelling them.

Use charisma buff with fish or pots.Less chance to get bad perk

Are you aware that certain foods give increased chance to level up certain stats? For example gruel gives a +% chance that the thrall will gain strength on level up. If you look at stats is shows their % chance for a stat growth on level. The food increases the growth chance. You can look up what foods increase which stats and find a thrall that has high % in the stats you want grown. For me it seems counter intuitive. A lot of fighters I’ve looked at start with no strength but have many points in accuracy and 85% chance to grow while strength and vitality are at 0-5 and 50% chance to grow.

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It is not useless, it is just stupid. And whoever came up with this stupidity should get a day off to think over his life choices.

o Each leveled up stat chance is random
o The perks are random with a chance to render your thrall weaker or even useless
o Hidden multiplicator for melee/range damage
o Hidden multiplicator for stats (Sometimes I got 2+ points for the same stat for one level up)

It is not fun. Let me decide how to spend points and let me choose between perks. There will always be some min-max for pvp, but at least you can balance around that IF they would implement a working system to figure the numbers out in the first place.

If you min/max a thrall with all that lovely randomness ( Dalinsia Snowhunter was one of the best thrall to begin with - she got replaced with the last patches with another thrall) - It will take a few approaches, but in the end you can still create a god like thrall. Literally.

It is not about skill - It is all about getting to the conan wiki, look up all that randomness and hidden multiplicators and finding the one thrall who has the best hidden multiplicators. After that you “level” him up and hope the random-god give you at least one stat in stren/vit and no survival perk.

I hate this leveling system for thralls and I can not believe people are having fun with all that crap.

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100% agree with you. give us the option to build our thralls how we want to. Melee thralls get penalised for using ranged weapons but then still the rng gives them a + to ranged perks and a - to strength how does that even make sense???

And the sad thing is they already have to code in the game to do just this, for each lvl the thrall gets instead of assigning the point to whatever the dice falls on, give it to us to assign it to the thrall, how hard is that…