Previously I was a strong believer that the “Life Blood Spear” needed to be removed entirely. It’s existence violates the game’s healing mechanics. HOWEVER… with the coming addition of permeant durability loss I feel it might be time to reevaluate the situation.
Giving it a life steal ability on hit would make it fall more inline with how healing works. Rather then free healing forever it would have a lifespan of it’s own.
Well it was overpowered when first introduced. One of the highest damaging spears and healed about 50 health per second. So it needed a nerf, they just… went completely in the opposite direction and hit it with a thermonerfular missile.
Went from one of the most powerful weapons in the game to useless.
To be honest with you Anglinex, I would like nothing more than to see the Lifeblood Spear, and then other legendary weapons such as the Sword of Crom and the Act of Violence receive a rework, and I sincerely believe that many other members would also. But there are two problems. The first is that I am not sure that Funcom sees readjusting them as a priority. And the second is that the community has found it difficult to come to agreement how to buff it. Personally I think a vampiric drain, conferred to the attacker with each successful hit would be nice, something akin to a hp steal.