Limit Foundations and Cornerstone by Players / Guild

It’s getting harder to stay polite when you pile insults on top assumptions.

The reason I fear for the stability of my base in case of bugs is because my builds don’t always have a lot of redundant stability supports.

As for the size of my base, I’d say it’s big, but not supermassive. Feel free to judge for yourself.

A hard cap is a rule that says “you can only use/have up to N of this thing”. For example, the follower limit – when they enable it – is a hard cap. You can have up to N followers and if you exceed N, a random follower gets deleted by the server every 30 minutes, until you’re down to N.

I’ve already stated I’m against it and why. But a hard cap is not the only solution.

A better solution would be an upkeep system, along the lines of “you can have up to N foundations without any consequences, but anything above that means that you have to constantly ‘pay for the upkeep’ with certain in-game materials”. The upkeep cost would be an exponential function of the number of excess foundations.

A system like that would give people more choices. If they build within the limits, they play without having to worry about the upkeep. If they build bigger than that, they have to devote part of their playtime to farming for the upkeep. If they build too big, the upkeep becomes impossible to pay.

Of course, the upkeep system isn’t without its flaws, but it’s more flexible, easier to tweak, and probably more easily accepted by a greater number of players than a hard cap.