Online official - Official 1823
Bug | Misc
Charecter Name: Thiesan
I camped out and went to sleep. Came back on tonight to find my character had died from thirst 10 times while I slept.
Lucky for me i only had my sleep gear on but was still legendary items and personalized items. If i lost it via being killed by someone that’s fine but losing it to thirst is ridiculous.
Also as i was just standing there should the game not have timed out?
What is going on that the server keeps me logged in it seems for 8+ hours for me to die from thirst over and over?
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
How am i to duplicate this? (Here is a screen shot of the logs)
As far as I know, all characters remain ingame while logged out of official servers. Over a couple of years, I’ve seen many of posts that describe what you did, CNDN.
Sorry for your loss.
Unofficial servers have the option to disable toons remaining in game. Single player games, upon logging out, stop the server since it is on their machine.
Lorail is spot on about logging out naked. Kinda cute, too
From what I have read, this is not a bug, but intended. An offline person can kill a character to sandstorms, hunger, thirst and temperature extremes exacerbate it. Multiple times.
For emphasis, let me repeat what Lorail said: Log out nekkid next to your spawn point and expect to die multiple times.
Even though this is an apparently old bug it still should not impact players. This is something the Devs should fix or have already fixed.
Again i am on an official server 1823 so its one of there servers and they have no ability to say this is something to do with the server.
This RUINS the gamer experience.
Fortunately i get undressed and put all my stuff in a chest every day so that was just my sleeping gear but if this was a Newer player who had all their armor and weapons on them they would have a massive loss and probably stop playing a game when once again the devs DO NOTHING to fix this issue.
Lets Sum this up.
I am in the Jungle … no sandstorms… i am also in my house and i am sheltered.
I eat to full water and food every time i log out…
I was in the Game when i posted this 8 hours ago. ( I went to sleep)
So with these facts multiple things failed to happen.
I should have timed out just standing there and been logged out if i forgot and then the logs should shown 1 death. I would still losing my gear but only showing 1 death. Logs show 10.
8 hours = 10 deaths This is a death about every 45 minutes over the course of 8 hours.
A sleeping character is suppose to use much less water and be able to last for days without dying of thirst/hunger.
Anyways its not that big of a deal for me i will replace the gear but i figured the Devs should know and this does impact players as they lose all gear and is a game ruining bug!!
Thirst and hunger decaying while offline is definitely not intended behavior. While the bug does occasionally occur, the default behavior is that you are paused, but your body can be interacted with.
Temperature damage, sandstorms and obviously gas orbs and the rest affect the offline character, but thirst and hunger are paused.
This effect is replicatable on any PVE-C or PVP official server. Let your hunger/thirst drop to half. Note the numbers. Log off. Log back on the next day, note that these numbers will not have reduced.
That’s default behavior.
What @CNDNMade is describing is definitely not normal behavior - even the timestamps are seconds apart from death to starving again.
This started happening early beta, I think close to early 2018. My understanding of it Is clear now as it was then. When you log out, mostly by exiting the game to desktop, the server doesn’t register you as logged out, but still ingame. Something fails to safe, therefore you die of thirst and hunger. Granted I have never seeing it this bad, dying so quickly so may times, it’s always the same.
You log out but you stay, you die of thirst and hunger, whatever comes first, drop your inventory and respawn automatically in your bed if you are bind to one that is, if not, you respawn in the desert. Your bag decays, loosing it all, and because you respawned with half food and water, you continue to die until something clicks on the server data and it finally logs you out. By the time you come back, whatever the time frame is, you are naked by your bed or at the desert spawn area, without a clue.
Because this has been around for so long, some of us simply adapted, which would have been better if they fix the bug itself, to just log out with nothing, putting everything on a container. They way I have done it since then is also logging out to main menu first and then exit the game and the dying bug don’t happens.
OK, I defer to your wisdom and experience. Having said that, I’ll keep stripping for bed when on a server that does not remove your body upon logout.
There are a number of theories about it seen over the past few years. One that caught my attention was that any temperature buffs poofed on logout. So, in a cold area you end up dying from hunger; hot area dying from thirst.
Keep ‘bugging’ them until you get an answer, I’m as interested as you are !
All these work around’s for existing bugs…Sleep naked so you don’t lose your stuff when you log out…run away or log out when you die so your body isn’t invisible…on and on…I wonder what would happen if people quit working so hard to find work around’s and insisted that the bugs actually got fixed. I’m just asking for a friend…