Lost Items After logging in

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1822
Mods: None

Bug Description:

When I logged into the server I ended up at stargazer crest instead of my base. I had logged off at my base and all my items were gone when I logged in today.

Bug Reproduction:

I just logged on

My equipped items and the ones I was carrying are all gone.
ConanSandbox-backup-2025.01.15-22.42.49.log (280.7 KB)
ConanSandbox-backup-2025.01.15-22.45.16.log (21.7 KB)
ConanSandbox-backup-2025.01.16-21.33.40.log (361.4 KB)
ConanSandbox-backup-2025.01.16-21.40.31.log (100.3 KB)
ConanSandbox.log (134.8 KB)
ConanSandbox_2.log (10.3 KB)

Greetings @Hulk10,

Please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket:

You can read the full version of the Guidelines here:

If possible, please, add a screenshot of the event log as well.

I reported it but it happened again…
ConanSandbox.log (77.3 KB)

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