Game mode: [Singleplayer, after the 500 bug fix update]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Everywhere]
Most of my dancers are just standing and not dancing, their names are not visible and their inventory are not
showing when you want to enter pressing “E”. And when I try to move them with the “move” command a text slides in: “You can’t touch this!” It is like I lost my ownership to the dancers and now they are just neutral NPCs! Funcom please say that I don’t lost these dancers! Also I am not using mods!
Also their is one thing I noticed for the first sight of this bug! The dancers I got from the Seth city are not bugged! But dancers that I got from the pirate ship, exile cave, Nordheimer and Darfari camps are mostly bugged! I don’t know if their is any consistency, I’m just mentioning this.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
You needed to have dancers before the big update!
Log in!
Some dancers are like that!
Get angry and shout “FUNCOM!!!” like Captain Kirk did!
I am having the same issue on my dedicated server. All existing dancer thralls in our clan have stopped moving and can’t be told to do anything, just like OP says.
Newly placed dancers work fine.
“Greater Camera Distance”
“LitMan Item Stack”
“Unlock Plus”
“Pippi - User & Server Management -”
“Pythagoras Support Beams”
Also their is one thing I noticed for the first sight of this bug! The dancers I got from the Seth city are not bugged! But dancers that I got from the pirate ship, exile cave, Nordheimer and Darfari camps are mostly bugged! I don’t know if their is any consistency, I’m just mentioning this.
Same here, many - maybe all - previously existing and placed dancers can no longer be moved. Getting message " You can’t touch this" - and I guess the message is not meant to be of a moral kind.
This applies to other players also.
Private PVE server, no mods.
Edit; It seems this does not affect all dancers. In the swungle area my archers are still very good at shooting all creatures approaching my base, and I also noted that hostile npc’s there are very hostile, and will attack you quickly and without much hesitation. There I can pick up dancers and move them.
In my desert area bases my fighters are slow to react, if reacting at all, to any hostility. Also noticed that the skellies there have a weird aggro, and won’t attack until I attack them. But then they will get pretty lazy quickly and give up figting if I run a short distance away from them. Also here my dancers are untouchable.
OH, I thought a mod did this, but it seems you unmodded guys also got the error. Had to kill my single dancer by spawning a wolf and hide behind her as it attacked.