Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE-Conflict
Region: EU
Edition: Steam
Bug Description:
After uploading char and then trying to transfer it to another server got a messege authentification error, something about token and then after restart upload char button just dissappeared. But just lately I did very the same 4 times in a row.
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Step 1 - Upload char like usually.
Step 2 - Try to transfer char
Step 3 - Get authentification error and lose your char with all recipes from start of Siptah.
Thats might be nothing for true exiles, but for me that was one of my most valuable chars with all recipes from siptah and vanilla map, I hope thats could be resolved as I just came back to the game and seeing that is really painful.
Hello! If you go to and click on “Submit a Report” up the top, where it says request type select “Character Transfer Issues”
It took about a week for them to restore my character so you you might have to be a little patient.
Thank you for your response, I didnt knew they have already on submitting the transfer issues. The real problem that today was the last day for transfers.
So, i got the response from Funcom Support team and they have restored my char pretty quckly saying that i have to hurry because server transfers will be closed at June 14th. But they are already closed and the char is nowhere right now even tho the transfer was made June 6th, welp
If the team said you should be able to choose a new server for the recovered character then you should be able to do so.
If you are still unable to import the character on any server, please make sure you report this to the team.