Make swimming dangerous

I’d love to see river blindness added to noob river as a potential random rng based visibility debuff to players that hang around the river banks too long lol

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Not untill we be able to craft/riding ships. But its danger you can be atacked whit 1h weppons and you can drown…

If swimming were dangerous, 98% of new players would not make it across the noob river.


Stone fish are very toxic.

Their cousin is better know, not as toxic but more prolific.

I was stuck by a young one once and wasn’t impressed, put it up there is a wasp sting.

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Hell, I’d settle for ocean water that you cant drink.


Yes thats weard.

That’s called filtering and that’s a good thing. A survival sandbox game should be about adapting to threats. Noob river should be sort of like a dark souls tutorial boss

I disagree
This game is not darksouls and is not meant to be a souls like. You want that kinda gameplay go play that kinda game. Don’t ask for other games to turn into something they’re not.


Could just make it dangerous by degrees/area.
As in the east is ocean and deep water. should be very dangerous to swim along the east coast, but then look at all the treasure chests in those sunken ships. Maybe make big sharks as rare as corupt beasts, but add eels and large octopi to the areas around the sunken ships.

Gators swim. Giant snakes swim. Sharks are in game. funcom could actually make the waters more dangerous just by changing some of the mechanics.

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yes swimming should be done naked or with light armor at least , and running out of stamina while swimming should still exist in the game

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But its literally a survival sandbox pvp game set within the universe of Conan. It should have varying degrees of harsh environmental difficulty. The genre sets that expectation. Once you’re lvl 60 its also a cakewalk and the only real threat becomes other players. (Also dark souls did inspire some of the basic pvp mechanics in CE but thats a whole other topic) Anyways while my intent was to highlight how safe water is in this game the much broader issue here is that the player vs environment is relatively tame. Even the volcano lava was nerfed lol. I think a lot of people would love an update where water becomes dangerous. Imagine building an armada of rafts to raid a bay island stronghold on the edge of the map?

This will be my final reply in this thread, as I) I sense that neither of us will be swayed from our position on this, II) I do not feel like becoming embroiled in a forum PvP and III) you and I have a great history of pleasant interactions, and I do not wish this thread to be its undoing. So I will make my counter point then politely agree to disagree and depart.

Except Conan Exiles is not solely a PvP game. As I have said previously, while it is important to take PvP feedback under consideration, it is not the only consideration. Players from other modes dont need to be swimming a short distance then drowning like some hapless individual because they are carrying 1000 of stone or iron bars, a rhinoceros calf, a golden Argossean brazier, or a two handed battle axe in their items because an extremely small minority other players are finding it too inconvenient to pursue a runner who jumps into a body of water. But more to the point, you seem to be the only player who has an issue with this. I would politely suggest the following instead; accept that not every encounter will result in a kill and move on.


I definitely understand where you and others are coming from about the game not solely being about pvp and disagreeing on forum topics doesn’t make any of us enemies. Its certainly ok to agree to disagree :slight_smile:

Now this idea is not solely my own. Yes, it does originate from more hardcore pvpers that I play with(and against) who feel the lack of some realism of the in game environment is akin to cheese but I can understand more casual players coming from a PVE/easier gameplay style not wanting the extra struggle. It should be noted that when I’m making game change suggestions that I’m usually talking in the context of pvp mode with pvp specific interaction examples. I do think generally however that just as you can’t normally moon jump or fly effortlessly in a survival game so too should you not be able to swim effortlessly without risk. I’d love to see a boat/raft system added to make up for any lost mobility of nerfed amphibious movement but I get something like that would take time to develop. Anyways, have a good one and thanks for chiming in.

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I agree on your disagreement!

True it’s Conan exiles, it’s even better!

Here we disagree! It meant to be anything you wish, just tune your parameters and make it as you wish…

But generally, official gaming is exactly how Devs wish people to play this game at the time being. That’s why i say that official servers are the “common grounds”. To these settings people must have comparisons, to none other.
Crocodiles could be aggressive in water yes, but at the same time, depth should save you from sandstorms :woman_shrugging:t4:. Another player in the past asked climbing spiders, which is cool, but until the standard mechanics of the game will be stabilized and work properly, i wish no more additional things in game. I am growing tired of each broken update and i think i am not alone to this.

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Yeah, kind off, i used to think this was a survival game too but is far from it so im not expecting it to be one anymore.

if a have to categorize it i would say is an Open world roleplay building game with some pvp features.

In the beginning crocodiles actually were in the water. They could catch you and perform a death roll…
Now crocodiles aren’t even able to go into the water. xD
Swimming consumed the stamina. If your stamina ran out you drowned.

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