I remember killing spider bosses with 3 pairs of stone daggers at level 6 back then.
You can probably still do it now but it’s apparently more risky because of their auto-facing.
After all, they are the same boss with the same AI and same moveset and same damage.
Only thing made them seem hard was their health pool, which has nothing to do with the difficulty but prolonged the fight unnecessarily.
Interesting because to me all the new changes make it so the game is focused on the worst parts of the game and all crafting and core progression is now worthless. I desperately long for the days of thrall scouting and crafting.
I still love recruiting T4s, and I still do it, but I am happy it is a choice now .
They’re slowly turning this game into something it was never meant to be, and it’s become far too casual for my liking. It’s time for everyone who misses old school Conan Exiles to speak up and demand a roll back to pre-sorcery, maybe even a bit further. I miss the game that CE used to be, and I’d like to have it back because this train wreck that we have now isn’t what I paid for.
I’ve downloaded the mod kit and I’m attempting to learn how to disable and change all the parts and changes I dislike.
You can make World Bosses “Great Again”, that is not an issue, but it might become one if:
- Combat systems are not “Great Again” (if one consider they ever were) so you can fight said Great Bosses
- Thrall AI systems are not “Great Again” (if one consider they ever were) so you can fight said Great Bosses
- Weapon systems do not perform “Great Again” (if one consider they ever did) so you can fight said Great Bosses
The “nerfing” and “easing” of things in the game are a direct reflection of a type of fixing that I commented on in the past, the philosophy of “throttling” instead of systematic design.
Meaning: You have a problem that combat does not work the way you want, and therefore one can exploit it to stun lock someone. What do you do ? Instead of creating a systematic solution of stamina, weapon speed and damage, you simply “stop character from acting for a time” so another character cannot be stun locked.
That is the “TD;DR” solution to problems that brings us “Flat Earth” and “Sovereign Citizens”, in video game version. So you dont need a driver’s license because you are traveling, not driving. The same way you dont need a complex AI because you are fighting, not making a college paper.
But the loot still the same, so you practically can live off of loot instead of, Idk, having to consider survival mechanics in a survival game (if one consider this game ever were).
See? This is the kind of thing we shouldn’t have to do in order to enjoy the game. We should not be required to use mod kits, or edit .ini files, to make the game as user friendly, fun, and playable as it used to be. They simply need to stop downgrading this game every time they push an unwanted “update” out and give us the option to roll back to an older version.
See, this is the kind of thing that makes crappy games. Trying to get everyone to enjoy the game no matter what.
Games should be made with an aim, with an argument, and with an idea, not with the aim to “please players”.
The best games would have people who dislike things and want to change them. The fastest way to displease the majority of the people is to try to please them all.
People who thinks their own way of enjoying things is the only way often disagree with it, but they also think the game should be the way THEY want and everyone else should like what they like.
That mindset is what makes games the likes you find in Steam garbage bin.
When devs try to please everyone, you get fighting cats mounting unicorns wielding light sabers dressed like American Ninja.
The best part of Conan Exiles is sure the fact that you can get the devkit and make the game the way you want, and dont bother trying to force a game tailored part by part to player by player.
The best course of action for devs is to make the game THEY aimed to make, and then those who dont like it be welcome to play something else.
Last time a 3 skull boss has been a challenge I was new to this game, with an Iron Greatsword and was facing Sand Reaper Queen. It was cool to dodge her attacks and hit back.
Problem with thralls ? They have too much HP.
You want to give them less HP, they become totally useless cause their AI sucks.
So it’s just a dumb tank challenge: you have good thrall and proper equip ? You win. Otherwise you lose.
I’m not sure if you’re being facetious, but ironically I think you’re onto something there. Only problem is steel thewed would need to be changed.
They made the game that they aimed to make, then they ruined it. I bought the game they aimed to make, and when it left early access it should not have gone through any more major overhauls. That’s the game they made, the game I bought, the game I want back.
Major overhauls making long time players unhappy with the game is exactly why CD Projekt Red made 1.63 legacy available for Cyberpunk 2077. The overhaul of the core systems was major and it made the game far less fun for many of the players who already owned the game. Funcom can do the same with this game. Sorcery has significantly changed the game in ways many of us do not like, and this last update was a disaster. I don’t want this game, I want the game I bought, and supported, not this dumpster fire.
Yeah it does suck having to mod it but I genuinely think thats the only way I could enjoy the game.
so far i’ve removed most weapon and armor drops from npcs, removed sorcery aside from transmog, removed horses (I think they make the world too tiny). buffed rare thralls such as dalinsia, nerfed all 100% t4 spawns. buffed crafted weapons such as teliths sorrow and changed their recipes. buffed world bosses and a lot of other stuff.
doing this has lead me to understand that the current game literally has nothing I like about it anymore, it’s so absurdly different to what it used to be and very few of the changes in the last 4 years are actually positive.
I’m pretty close to just downloading the old version of the game via the SteamDB. Want to enjoy the game again, too bad I can’t do that on the official servers anymore.
Missing a letter in the thread title.
I wanna read what you typed, This forum is so bad on free speech where can we nominate or report this nonsense.
Its even an 18+ game.
Free speech is not, and never was, a carte blanche to say whatever you want, wherever you want. Social context defines the rules of discourse.
Your workplace probably has (unwritten) rules about not calling your boss a wanker. That’s not a restriction of your free speech, it’s basic courtesy. If you do use your freedom of speech and call your boss a wanker, you’re probably fired.
Same goes on these forums. You agree to follow the code of conduct when you create an account. If you decide you no longer want to follow the code of conduct, you may leave the forums. But if you break the rules, you accept the penalty as defined in the code of conduct.
Some people who love to quote the First Amendment might need to read what it says.
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