Make the Word Bosses great again

I remember the time when I barely defeated a world boss with 2 thralls and healing arrows, now a lv 1 berserker defeats a 3 skull boss with ease. That’s no longer a challenge

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You can kill Any Boss NAKED now They nerfed world Bosses for make beginners and New players life easy

My memory is a bit vague on when things were updated, but as far as I remember, world bosses have been easy long before you could take two thralls with you.

And it depends on the boss, too. You still need to be careful around some (at least as long as they don’t bug out and try to use their fists instead of their weapon).


I am OK with bosses not being as hard as hey used to. Also with many improvements like T4 thralls from purges and at your bar. I believe the game is letting us focus on new content and other aspects instead of the same farming materials, camping for T4s. I still do it, but there’s no need for it like it used to.
I mean, instead of the usual 3 skull bosses we have level X purges with sorcerers, sieges on PvE, new events, and so on.


World bosses aren’t where the challenge is now.

They are just things to kill to get keys to pray to RNGesus in the dungeons. Why should the token dispenser at the door to the casino be challenging?

A few in the Unnamed City or on Siptah still have their own loot tables. But again, they are meant to be farmed, they aren’t really goals in and of themselves anymore.

If you want a challenge, call down a tier 10 purge.
At the very least it will test your patience with how long it lasts.
Or your tolerance as you try to figure out why the craven Stygians won’t attack when they marched on the exact same base with the exact same build, 15 minutes earlier.

Edit: Now, if we wanted to put the bosses in the dungeons on some PEDs, that may be an idea to get behind. But the contents of the chests they guard would need to be more tightly defined.


Lol remember when people would build these death trap machines to lure bosses into back when they had 20K+ health


Yeah, that is kind of a problem though. By making older content insignificant they are attempting to force players into only playing one specific way as opposed to providing new additional options and allowing the players to make the choice for themselves. That is not how a sandbox game is supposed to work.


Or stairways to heaven to drop kill them lol.


Increase the base damage of every world boss by 300.

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Depends on the boss. Rottbranch is much harder than it use to be due to the removal of bleed and poison. Rockslide is pretty tough too.

Either you’re misremembering, or you’re nostalgic for a time when you lacked skill, because the ability to have 2 thralls with you was introduced in the Age of Sorcery, and most of the world bosses have been trivial to defeat for much, much longer.

My money is on the latter, because only people who aren’t skilled enough in PVE combat – which isn’t very challenging to begin with – ever care about what a lone thrall can do to a boss.

That said, I’m all for making bosses more challenging, as long as two conditions are fulfilled: 1) make them actually challenging instead of just buffing their damage/armor/health, and 2) scale the rewards together with the challenge.


As it goes, I’d say there has been a step taken towards that in chapter 4. Their movement has been improved and, while combat no longer feels as unfair as in chapter 3 (now that we can turn our characters again, and enemies are no longer able to heat-seek while in mid air), it does feel more difficult, at least with some enemies. Croc boss made me concentrate a bit more than it has for a while.

And preferably have the rewards be something you actually get, rather than a token you can only redeem when you grind the dungeons…


Don’t get me started on the slot machine mechanics, it’s my pet peeve :laughing:


I don’t foresee any difficulty being restored nor added.

Pre-nerf Thag had a complexity and difficulty that you saw on first dungeon end bosses in MMORPGs. And there was a large outcry to have that encounter not only nerfed by simplified. That encounter was pretty far along in the lines of difficulty progression of CE, yet its mechanics are common in MMORPG level 10-15 dungeon bosses (assuming max level is 50-60).

Difficult encounters in Conan Exiles are incompatible with the Conan Exiles Player Community. They’d have to find someway to replace the playerbase with a different sort. That requires a new game, maybe Dune will have it, but not Conan Exiles.


Oh, yeah, I remember some of that. People insisting that Thag is “too hard” despite being given a variety of different strategies for killing Thag easily. Hell, several of those strategies included videos. I think it was @Xevyr who provided them, but I could be misremembering. Anyway, the player in question kept moving the goalposts and nothing was good enough for them, they just wanted Thag nerfed.

The reason I bring that up is because it’s actually representative of a huge chunk of the playerbase. I’m not talking about the lack of skill here – we all lacked skills when we started playing – but rather the complete refusal to change one’s opinion in the face of proof :smiley:


I think my biggest complaint about the topic here is like you said, its not a lack of skill. I’ve had friends whom I’ve seen take on harder challenges in other games, suddenly go complete noob-mode when it comes to something challenging them in this game.

God forbid you suggest they add content for the players who wish to seek the challenge and be optional. It wasn’t like Thag was sitting outside peoples’ bases and preventing them from doing what they normally do. They were sitting at the bottom of a lengthy dungeon as a challenge for players seeking him out.

But if it exists, it has to be simplified and nerfed to be accessible to everyone.


If this sentence would end up…
With well trained perk then yes it’s true.
If not, it’s an exaggeration. Or you don’t speak for official gaming with decadent parameters.
A lvl 1 Berserker, alone, without authority points and without your help, no matter the gear, will die from every single world boss this game has.
Giving to your Berserker the perk of well trained, you instantly take your thrall in a a growth that’s ideal. I can guarantee you that after his-her train ends, your thrall will not be that good alone guarding a post.
Why well trained exists?
I can give 2 logical reasons.
1st. Safe training. A thrall with these stats goes almost god thrall, so it’s really hard to die unless it’s staggered (so help a bit).
2 bad performance. The game lacks of performance online. So taking a thrall with this perk and decent gear, gives you a safety.
But make no mistake, if you won’t pay attention on fights now both of you are toasted.
It seems you are new to the game, you didn’t catch the times that someone was farming dungeons and basically the whole freaking map while rolling cigarettes and eating pizza. Yes the god thrall age :confused:.

So let’s go back to your issue…
Easy world boss fights!
I challenge you now, please, take a lvl 10, not lvl 1 to Rotbranch, please!
Come back and tell me how it went.
If you need the spoiler however, it will save you a thrall. Your choice.
World bosses are ok, really ok!
They are still as challenging as they must be. (for the exist rng content of course)

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Problem is these forums sometimes. Years ago people complained that the bosses were just damage sponges whose only challenge was if you could actually be bothered to spend the time required to take them out. This would have been ok if rewards were consistent and worth it. Now we have reached a point where the loot is great and somewhat consistent but the actual fight is too easy. Funcom are not known for their ability to gently ease into balance changes. They tend to go from one end of the seesaw to the other but never in the middle. My answer has been to rent my own server. Yes it costs but I can tweak nearly EVERYTHING from hunger and thirst to boss and npc damage to the player etc. it’s the only way you’re going to get the challenge of the game exactly where you as an individual wants it. If you don’t want to shell out for a sever than use self imposed restrictions to create a more challenging game.

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True :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Or at least is what we get. Maybe we are wrong, who knows :wink:.

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That was hilarious!

And, this is a result of the “participation trophy for all” and “everyones a winner” attitudes.