Maybe there are too many places to report bugs

Just thinking that maybe we don’t need bug sub forums here. It seems they are leading to more and more arguments among posters instead of allowing for the resolution between OP and Func9m. At most a direct link to zendesk would be optimal. Sometimes trying to offer multiple paths to something only spreads out the workforce just gathering the data.


That isn’t a good solution.

Firstly, they would get tons of duplicate bug reports because players wouldn’t be able to search if it has already been reported. This issue would also escalate over time if a bug takes a long time to fix.

Secondly, other people wouldn’t be able to clarify others’ bug reports, leaving Funcom more work to try figuring out what a poorly-written or obscure report is talking about.

Thirdly, other players wouldn’t be able to confirm the reports, forcing Funcom to check everything themselves, and possibly being unable to replicate it.

Fourthly, sometimes things aren’t bugs, and other players can point that out or explain why something is the way it is.

If people argue about a report, it is probably because there is something wrong with it. Hiding it won’t change that.


My main take away is that if zendesk is the space to report bugs, then Funcom could do it without the galleries opinions muddling it up.

And many do not search before they post their bugs. Just type in one of the bugs 8n search and you will see multiple threads.

Plus, lately people resort to crucify an OP for posting something they perceive as a bug. And instead of the thread being about the posters experience, it becomes about thier competence.

If they continue to use Twitter, Facebook, reddit, discord, forums and zendesk, all they are doing is creating work to unify those avenues before even communicating to the person with the issue

Sure, us arm chair experts will be left out of it. But that is a plus in opinion.

The proper place to report bugs is the forums. None of those other places you list are where you should be reporting bugs.

Especially the Discord! :rage:


Actually the proper place is zendesk from what posters keep posting.

I was listing all those other areas because people go there. if on all the Funcom social media and internet places they put a bugs link to zendesk, it would remove alot of the angry back and forths.

True, they should give us limited access to their JIRA. Yes, they do use JIRA. No, I’m not kidding about giving us access. Yes, it’s doable. Yes, I know it’s not easy, but it would be worth it.

They already don’t. Seriously. However, by moving everything to Zendesk, we would lose something even more important than the ability to search: we would lose the ability to link.

When you see the same bug reported, for the 10th time in as many days, in “feedback” section or even “creative corner”, it helps to be able to say “yeah, they’re working on it” and link to a different thread. Can’t do that if the reports are submitted to the black hole that is Zendesk, because Zendesk is not a bug tracker.


I don’t even know why they added the option to report bugs via Zendesk. My personal theory is that it’s for “sensitive” bugs that shouldn’t be discussed on the forums, because they can be exploited.

There’s been a lot of crap coming from both sides, some of it mine. I’ll hazard a guess that you’re obliquely referring to Multigun’s lack of patience and the hostile tone he adopts with some people, especially those who insist that “game broke fix it” is useful and good enough.

And yeah, he could stand to be less inflammatory there, but I think neither you nor I should indulge in projectile mineralogy

Unfortunately, he’s not completely wrong:


They’re wrong.

Some don’t. You shouldn’t make a problem worse just because it already exists.

Just because they accept bug reports on zendesk does not make it the proper place to do it. They have stated that zendesk if for reporting server issues, the forums are for reporting bugs.

Also, you know, what you just said:

I try to test and replicate any bugs I see reported, especially if it’s on Xbox. Even if the report is for pc or ps I’ll try to duplicate just too see if it’s limited to certain systems or universal. I couldn’t do this if bug reports weren’t visible on the forum

It’s best obviously if people try to stay on topic in a bug report, and should remain civil with one another. However loosing the ability for other players to add their experience or lack there of with a particular bug makes it harder to nail down the reason a bug is happening.

I understand the idea, but I feel like the cost is too high.


Most don’t. I would happily sacrifice the rest if the idea was to improve everything else substantially. Sadly, “switch to Zendesk” is not one of those ideas, so I agree with you in general. :slight_smile:

You’re missing the point. If there were no reasons to report bugs via Zendesk, then the request type “Bug report” would not exist. This is not something that Zendesk, as a software platform, insists on having. It’s configured by Funcom.

That’s why I don’t thing @biggcane55 is not completely wrong about Zendesk, just mostly wrong :wink:


Based on what, exactly? Your only known variable is how many people post duplicate reports, how many people did not post duplicate reports because they saw a report already existed is a completely unknown variable.

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Excellent point. I stand corrected :slight_smile:


It took me sometime to learn the basics in the forum. I don’t use social media for personal reasons. The only forum I ever participated is this one, no other. I had to read posts to understand how important is not to open a chit chat in a bug report. It was a reference of @Multigun actually saying how difficult it is to find the bug reports in 100 useless conversations inside the bug section. Once @Croms_Faithful had to politely ask me not to open a conversation in his bug report. If people like me exist in this forum, it surely makes the job difficult for admins here :man_shrugging:. Eventually I learned some things, and I believe others can too. The most important I believe is to leave the conversations for this section, and the bugs or performance issues for the proper section, without any further conversation in there. I don’t think a multiple report for the same issue is a problem, but only when it comes from different persons. This actually could be helpful too, some of all the same reports might contain good info in some parts and another in other parts, so the admins at the end to gain all they need for a proper report from their side.


Agreed - keeping bug reports clear and simple is the most helpful option. However, it can also be necessary to add some degree of conversation as essential details must be requested from original posters, which if given will then help speed up the entire process (rather than having to wait for a community team member to ask the exact same questions). And when people refuse to answer such questions, or refuse to try testing certain options if other users are unable to replicate the same bug, such conversations can get quite long and out of hand. But it’s worth remembering that those bug reports were not likely to be useful without that information anyway :man_shrugging: Often the clearest bug reports receive very few comments - pictures, details, a clear reproducible bug or best guesses for reproduction - and you’ll generally just see at most a couple of other users confirm the same experience. (And if we’re really lucky maybe somebody else just yell ‘fix your game’ :laughing: )


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