MEGAversary 2 Bike Race: 22nd June 14:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST

This is the announcement that the first MEGAversary 2 Agarthan Boogaloo Bike Race will be held on 22nd June at 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time, 20:00 CEST.

All participants will be asked to line up in London and to follow the route posted below. We may start about 15 minutes after the hour if there are hourly Boss Killings in Agartha as it was with last year.

All Bikers MUST follow the route below at SPRINT 4 and NO BOOST BIKES. No deviations from the route or the Zombies of London will chew off your tires!

There will be a Route 666 Bikers Outfit for 1st prize and some additional Kaidan Key Prizes as well as a Second and Third Place Prize.

Please note the Decisions of the Marshals are final, please do not go above SPRINT 4 or use BOOST BIKES. Follow the route exactly and as fast as you can for your chance to win!

The Route is:


Please download and study this carefully before the race. Lighter green is the first leg, darker green second leg. It’s a good idea to have a practice as well :slight_smile:

Remember SPRINT 4, NO BOOST BIKES! Let’s Have a blast of an Anniversary!


The Updates Prize List for the First Race is -

1st Place: Route 666 Bikers Outfit, Radiant Cold Silver Dice, 10 RED Kaidan Keys
2nd Place: 10 Gold Kaidan Keys, 1 Intricate Fierce
3rd Place: 30 Purple Kaidan Keys, 1 Intricate Devastating Glyph

Aslo… dun… dun DUNNNN:

Funcom are offering the prize of this T-Shirt never before given in SWL to all placed winners of the bike race:


Can you believe it!!

The T-shirt and other prizes will be delivered as soon as we can, after the race.


How do we enter?

All folks need to do is turn up in London just before the race, we’ll hold slightly until after the hourly Talos and run the race! It’s advisable to check out the route as many times as you can, the faster the better :slight_smile:

Good luck to the runners / bonne chance aux coureurs

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Winners of the first Bike Race are:

1: Nightglow - Prize to come Route 666 Bikers outfit and T-shirt
2: Trichelieu - T-Shirt
3: Tyriaan - T-Shirt

Thanks to everyone attending! Another bike race in a week, details going up shortly :slight_smile:

Here are my pictures of the starting line! Thank you again for organising it, it was a blast!

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After the Megaversary Bike Race, the organizers mentioned that they hoped to also host a Samhain race. Will this be happening? I didn’t see any mention in Funcom’s Samhain announcement.


There won’t be a Samhain one, skyh… sorry. But I was thinking of one at the festive season.

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I’ll be looking forward to that one then!