I know the idea of mounts were scrapped for now due to issues with speed and how the world is built. But mounts that go at character sprinting speed would be nice enough. If they can just go on without losing stamina they would not need to be faster to be useful.
Also beasts of burden that just follow you - like the proposed carrying thrall would be cool.
Maybe start with a goat (preferably wearing packs) as the first tier, then a donkey, a camel and an elephant as the max carrier
While we do not know what the future will hold, we do know that FC devoted their effort to identifying and resolving the speed issue before developing the mount subsystems. Since they were not able to solve this problem in time, those subsystems (capture, taming, inventory, etc.) were never developed. Based on Joel Bylos’ comments in the past, it is unlikely that we will see partial implementation of mounts so long as FC believes that there is a possibility to include the full system (i.e. fast mounts) at some point in time.