Move slaver rope to the right hand to use a torch at left

I suggest to move a slaver rope from left to the right hand, so it can be useable with torch. This is much lot useful, then with a weapon. Because run with slave at night is hard without torch. But if you need to fight you can drop slave, fight and pick up it later,


@Ragnaguard i think you cover it tottaly, the biggest reason i reply is just to thank you for your beautiful answer :+1:. My friend @splarv i am sorry to disagree with you here, but i want my weapon option as it is . However if you are kind enough i think that Ragnaguard here deserves a ‘solution’ here. Still that’s my opinion, whatever is yours is respected too.


I think Ragnaguard gave a lot of good options. And not being able to use a weapon makes you defenseless and that is not a trade I would like to make.


Maybe it’s because I’m an experienced player but I can easily navigate from wherever I’m clubbing thralls to my nearest base in the dark. If I do get stuck on a piece of terain I can release the bindings to equip a torch, look around to see where I’m stuck, then pick up the thrall again and go on.

And yes, I can do the same with weapons. If I’m dragging my new best friend home and something attacks me, I can drop the sleeping beauty while I swing a greatsword or spear. And if it’s dark and someone attacks me, I still need to drop the would-be volunteer worker while I grab a weapon and a torch.

And as long as the bindings are in the off-hand, I can wield them and a weapon at the same time so I don’t have to unequip the bindings while persuading someone to join my team with a truncheon.

Pitch-black night is short, but I need weapons 24/7.


The dust drops from the animal tamers in the jungle, so for mid-to-high level players it’s a good idea. But the ones who are just began, and only level 20 or below it’s not that easy I think.
Not to mention the night-stalker mask from the Unnamed city it’s way harder (and requires a lot of time/luck) to obtain.

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Anyone will can quickly switch to to the weapon from rope, just with one bottom press. As about ‘solution’ they will be in very late stage of the game.

My dear friend, tge way i see it, you still have medium knowledge of the game and i beg you to take no offense on this statement. When i have a thrall bounded and i am using the map room, to teleport my self to my base, where my wheel of pain is, i cannot risk to swap, climb, fight, because there is a bug and since you teleport, you cannot see the bounded npc unless you put it in the wheel. So, once more, our friend @Ragnaguard, from the beginning, gave you the best gaming solutions this game has. If you just talk to give life to your post, i respect it, i like to talk anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, but pressing the solution button to this fellow is the most correct thing to do in this post tottal. Because it deserves it :+1:

let us chose what hand our weapon // torch // rope are in

I agree with both the poster and replies, possibly add a copy of the bindings that can be crafted for the opposite hand

usually what i do i use a standing torch … place it fight … pick it back up … standing torch output so much light its really crazy.

There’s no way I’d want to give up having a weapon, but if they could make an animation where you shift the rope back to your left hand when drawing a 1-hand weapon then I think that would let us have the best of both options. In the meantime, I’ll be sticking to Glimmermoon for just this reason. :slight_smile:


To be honest, i use this axe only for this reason. I never leave my base without glimmer and strangely. But i always use strangely on fights , i love to keep my stamina.

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lo mas viable seria que tu escogieras llevar en cada mano

Been waiting for belt light, (not as good as torches) so we always have something…


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