Game mode: [Enter game mode here: (Online official)]
**Type of issue: Performance
*Server type| PvE] Region: [europe]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
First of all i confirm your problems. Anything you say is true, you are not alone . Still if you follow my advices this things will not be a problem anymore.
Before you log out empty all your inventory and your armor. Place a chest next to your bed to put at once all your gear so your encumbrance burden is 1%. When you log in the next day you will take falling damage but it ain’t gonna kill you.
I told you before that your encumbrance will be 1% because you will leave to your wheel of choice only your torch. So you log in, you didn’t die now, but you cannot move, so light up your torch and you can start moving now without a problem. Still if you forget to do all this and you still die, dodge 2 or 3 times to any direction and you will be able to walk again.
Follow these steps and your problems will be no more, just a daily routine .
Do know however that i have mention (and many others) this problem about 3 months now for ps4 official gaming, but still it exists. However if you follow the steps you will see that it’s not a big problem, so thank you for your report and please give the details that @Hugo ask you, it is very important to report correctly, you save them a lot of time and believe me they need it.
Thank you. It’s only because I put any point to encubance so I was think that it’s so no logical, cause if it allows you to run and you logou in your base itself, I think it shouldn’t happening.
But thanks, I will do that
My char is still with the same problem. I log in in my base, my char walk like three steps and comes back to the same spot. Even dodging or lighting the torch doesn’t work t.t