Hi, i have been reading the upcoming changes in Siptah and i am extremely worried that you could get T4 thralls in these camps like in exiled lands.
please, PLEASE i beg you to not make the map feel more like the exiled lands
where for example you can EASILY get the best fighter like teimos almost guaranted, and not one, MANY teimos. A thrall that hits like a truck and lvl 20 has almost 15 K hp and is the best archer if you need him in that role.
it doesn’t feel like a reward.
Other thing that i am worried is about the character transfers.
Does this means, only the character? or it includes inventory?.
Because if it includes inventory, it will break siptah entirely, in exiled lands some things are far more easier to get.
While in siptah, some things have a lot more of value.
last but not least, i hope that the purge doesn’t take even more value from the surge if you can get also get the best thralls in here like in exiled lands.
The dificulty to get thralls T3(priest) or T4 is what makes this map far more superior to the exiled lands since you actually have to work hard to get them.
Right now, the best mechanic in my opinion is that you have to work hard to get your T4 in siptah.
it gives you a reason to do dungeons, a reason to farm maelstrom, a reason to do surges.
This is what makes siptah feels different to exiled lands.
So please, do not make this an “exiled lands 2.0”.
because if i want to play exiled lands… i would just play exiled lands.
BTW please turn off that sound that comes from the center in siptah, it is extremely annoying and almost unplayable if you don’t turn off the sound.