Psst!! Hey Funcom Devs!!
I know you’re busy with the upcoming mounts update and thrall stuff, but, my imaginary-soon-to-become-true horse would like to let you know he would LOVE a nice place to rest!! He’s such a good boy, surely he deserves some appropriate accommodation.
I mean, what exactly do you have planned for Riders of Hyboria? No clue?
How about some stables?
Don’t know how to make one?
That’s fine devs, I got you covered!!
We just need a revamp of some walls like the yamatai (it already has bars in the window - perfect), some raised fences finishing in an inverted arch and bam!! Just some nice roomy stalls, for my horse to feel comfortable in.
I could go on about bigger stalls and stuff in case people want to ride an elephant. but lets take it slowly, shall we?
And while you’re at it throw in a nice hay bed, some hay in a box and a bucket of water will ya?
@Mavelle There was a stable actually shown in the stream, and they mentioned that it worked like a 1-slot Animal Pen for the purpose of raising a horse.
What I’d like to know is, since so many people dislike how bulky the Animal Pen is: will we be able to use a stable as a single-slot Animal Pen for creatures other than horses?
I’m not sure if Funcom will change their formula this time, but if they don’t, then we’ll get all or most of the stuff they showed in the update, for free, and the DLC will have additional stuff.
On the topic of stables, I’m glad that the only structure they included was a building for raising horses, as opposed to stabling them. I’m a builder, so I would rather build a stable of my own
This. Apologies if I wasn’t very specific. While it’s great and appreciated that we’ll get an new “animal pen” meant for horses, as you can see it doesn’t really work as a stable, since after you take your horse out of there, you’re still gonna have to place it somewhere. Look how in the stream they had fences surrounding the pen, so that the raised horses could be stationed somewhere. I just though since the DLC is about Riders, maybe a more horse related building tool could be available maybe, for us builders to make some sweet stalls? Maybe I should change to name of the tread to “My horse would like some stalls!”
And well, not only my horse… I have a Noah’s Ark ready to receive some animals, but not a really nice way to stall them in comfort… Would it be too much to ask?
Never in the exile lands, since there is no technology, demand and horses are far too valuable for that. Heck, you’ll prolly be able to kill horses for meat. There goes your ethics.
Real footage of me watching your stream last night from minute 34:53:
And me from minute 48:11 onwards:
You guys surely delivered with this one, cannot WAIT! And that “gate for something… larger” is gonna be SO perfect for my elephant couple in my Noah’s Ark!!
Also, could you repeat what’s the name of your brother company in Portugal at 44 minutes, please? Being a Portuguese makes me really proud to see some our talent being well used in a good game, especially considering that there aren’t a lot of opportunities job wise in gaming industry in my country.
I’m no modder and I can’t use them since I play PS4.
But if I was, this first thing I would do after this patch would be to mod a horse as the robot unicorn attack.
Just for the giggles.