My Siptah feedback

1 != 10

90 > 10


You’re going to count each item in a rotation as an individual mechanic? That’s just disingenuous!

AND again with a little Siptah experience this bit of randomness it uber-simple to overwhelm and defeat - rendering it a bit moot with HUGE payoffs.

Siptah may not be the poster child for RNG, but it does, however, reek of “Gacha Game” mechanics

The exiled lands have something similar in the Unnamed City with the scroll wall, but it’s nowhere near as rough as the Siptah one.

Well, I went to the tower only twice and the result was 100% of the recipes received and used. The rest I gave away. Each of my friends in succession visited only once or occasionally twice to achieve the same.

Maybe… but I propose this is only significant to folks trying to play it like they would EL. In Siptah you go to the tower with 100 to 200 frags and leave with the process completed. It doesn’t keep you coming back again and again unless your mindset is EL based.

I’m not talking about individual mechanics, I’m talking about at least 10 ways excessive RNG affects me. “Name ten things” was vague enough to be interpreted different ways by different people, and my interpretation was that. Let’s not accuse each other of disingenuous discourse just yet, because I really don’t want to go down that particular rabbit hole.

If you’re referring to something they added after early access, then I concede that I don’t know all the tips and tricks, so there might be something to circumvent the RNG. There’s a difference between “circumvent” and “overwhelm”, though, so without further clarification I can’t be sure if your argument missed the point or not.

However, I can further clarify the point: even though I enjoy the primary gameplay loop of Conan Exiles, it’s not fun enough to make me want to grind the same dungeons endlessly to get a recipe to drop given the current lack of constraints on the RNG.

Siptah is the poster child for bad use of RNG, just like the Library of Esoteric Artifacts in Exiled Lands is the poster child for that same bad use of RNG.

There’s a difference between “this aspect of the game should have been designed better” and “but that’s okay, because enough players accept it”. For example, there are games that include lootboxes and remain popular because there are enough players that accept that, but that doesn’t mean lootboxes are good game design, it just means you can get away with them sometimes.

EDIT: Fixed a typo.


Oh goodness gracious…

There are whole new land masses and scores of new activities since then… :confused:

Yes, I know. I’ve been following those changes as well as I can without playing Siptah. That’s why I said I’m not up to all the latest tips and tricks. That doesn’t mean I don’t know anything at all about the changes.

I mean, the whole reason I’m following those changes as closely as I can is precisely because I would like to go back to Siptah one day, but not until the slot machines are scaled back.

Like I keep explaining, it’s not that I’m opposed to the slot machine mechanics on Siptah alone. I feel the same about the Library of Esoteric Artifacts in the Unnamed City, except that it’s somewhat more tolerable because the number of recipes I want from it is considerably lower than what I would need to grind on Siptah. But just because I tolerate it better, doesn’t mean I like it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just another example of RNG without proper constraints.

RNG, Random Number Generator.
A shorthand reference to any situation in a game that is entirely "chance " or video game random.

PRC can mean proc rate, or Programmed Random Occurrence, which is when RNG is triggered by a player action.

PRC is also the abbreviation for the People’s Republic of China. Which is the nation Tencent, the owners of Funcom, are based out of. It is a hypothetically Communist country that has more in common with a One Party Market Socialist or State Capitalist system. The governing body of the PRC is known to have a relatively active hand in the direction of several businesses and investment groups, whether due to direct government oversight or the special attention paid by individual persons within the party.
Similar to the Crony Capitalism in the U.S., but with significantly more stick (punishment for infraction or slights, real or imagined) to balance the carrot (exemption from legal oversight for favoured businesses and extreme investment of national resources into pet ventures with favoritism if not outright nepotism determining contract awards and public funded grants) that both share.


I did another scroll run to the tower yesterday this time 40 frags, I can’t believe how it even random yet a bad randomiser.

When you get so many of the same scrolls after another, thats like rolling 6, 10 times in a row on a dice.
It not random… go figure.


What a dissapoinment, It seems FC nerf any other video Firespark or WAK puts out. Please stop.

Eager to get the maelstrom light / TORCH. with no timer, just durability. I dvelled for the bane of the dead, spent 700 eldarium bars, finallly got it. It takes 31 bars to make one i made two.

Set up a little shack near the vault. Went to farm the light/ torch, after 2 days and 8 tries it dropped, only to find it has been nerfed to ONE HOUR burn time. A normal torch is 20minutes for crying out loud.

FC you guys need to stop the constant nerfing after watching YT videos.


Since Siptah released in Playstation I went and I farm this torch from the skeleton bosses north east. Farming regularly I had 3. It was 1 hour durability always for me. The reason I didn’t use them was the lack of named blacksmith and the rarity on legendary weapon repair kits in Siptah. However they drop the eyepatch too, which is way better than any torch, it just reduces armor, since the eyepatch is low armor. Maybe firespark and Wak did these videos on early access. Do you know how many videos are not valid anymore? I can surely say over 90%. The game keeps changing all the time. You tubers have the choice to follow, not the other way around.


I just wanted to interject and say how much joy you bring me every day, @stelagel! Calling us a bunch of potatoes for having the wrong info up is very, very rib-tickling. :stuck_out_tongue:

This forum pays off every day. Your PSA has helped me cross the torch off my list of grindage.


I grow in this game watching all the you tube videos I could. My first was vintage beef. His effort on pvec server and 50 episodes. I remember shaquiera(not sure if I spell it right) coming and helping him in one or two episodes. Then I watched her videos too, and then I learned Kaiah (not sure either) her laughter was so beautiful, after this firespark and I joined the forum pixelcave wak you and sirdirewolf. Each one unique to his kind, you are the reason actually I started looking different the game, a more RP aspect to my actions and I love it more and more. So, potatoes?
No freaking way, YouTubers put their own stone for me to become a better player, triggered my imagination to play differently, teached me how to build better, smarter. I own only gratitude to all of them. Plus the YouTube videos are my sleeping pill almost every single night, I put one video and before I understand it my mind is lost in the exile lands and problems bye bye. I owe them more than you can imagine my dear friend, to all of them and you apparently, thank you a million.


A grand total of 35 minutes. Thats how long it takes to a complete lap around siptah with a horse not including the south island.

If you cut across land - half your time.

I tested EL too and it about the same from west to east. North - south also about the same.

Siptah is actually a bit smaller than EL.

My only real complaint with Siptah is that its stuff is OP on the exiled lands. I believe that if Funcom doesn’t believe that naked transfers are the way to go, then perhaps limiting the transfers would be the better option. Similar to PVP vs PVE servers, you should be able to transfer from Exiled lands (where everything is comparatively weak) to Siptah, but not from Siptah (Where everything is comparatively strong) to the Exiled Lands.

So you go to the unnamed city and you start fighting your bosses, without a horse the greatest time you spend walking is 20 seconds, all the time you will have something to fight, all the time. In order to do it I went to my private obelisk and poof I am in the unnamed city. And if I have to stop the game, maximum in 2 minutes I am back to my base to log out even if it is on jungle or the mount of dead, etc…
And you go on Siptah hmm, I want to fight the dragon for the torch , OK let’s go, for 5 min tap tap tap tap and swim and again tap tap tap. And you did the fight before killing others to clean the area, but the torch is not there, hmmm, what to do to spend my time?
@Wak4863 in his videos, made some examples how to spend your time down there wining the rng of the game and having fun.
Fortunately in these videos there was not blocked paths, there was not huge builds lagging all the area around, so no this round in this small part of Siptah cannot be compared with the unnamed city experience, and as you can understand, the other 5 min tap tap tap, swim, tap tap tap to return to your base are now more annoying than ever.

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So play on EL if your strapped for time.Build your home near the south island. If your that strapped for time then reconsider gaming .Its up to you.

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True, very true. It is exactly what I did m8. I took everything from Siptah, did my pve part, seen all the fabulous work devs did and returned home. I wish I could enjoy a lvl 4 sourge alone even if I was playing in official servers. A lot of sourge chasers to come and ruin your experience sadly.
I will be back in Siptah, just not yet, not yet.

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