The only 2 changes I would love to see in Siptah is the midnight alchemist recipe to be standard, in a place that I can gain it or pay for it, I could accept both. And the ability to lock my sourge from trespassing. I farm my assss to obtain???, so I deserve to enjoy it alone I think. For all the others I am cool.
Omg I forgot the most important, teleport system please on Siptah, I have been suffering back issues by playing Siptah . This horse riding be 50% of my gaming time on Siptah is a bit… Annoying.
Do you remember Oscar? Lead Programmer Oscar? Remember when he said he did not want a dopamine “pop” or “lootbox” mentality to Conan Exiles? I guess they just waited for Siptah to do that!
I’ve said it on numerous occasions: lootbox devs fall into ill repute. This makes Siptah inherently unplayable, and unhealthy.
Those were probably made more prolific on Siptah as a result of all the complaints from people about the relative ease with which trolls could wall off or otherwise block access to those resources in the Exiled Lands. Personally I don’t mind the extra availability. Not that it was ever an issue for me, but, well, that’s pretty much where I am on it. It’s just not an issue for me.
We did used to have that, in a way. The wind would slowly build up, letting you know that a storm was on the way. Now it feels more like somebody is flipping a switch on and off, which I don’t like.
Easily my biggest gripe with Siptah is how heavy on the RNG it is. In Exiled Lands, if you want recipe x, you have to go to location y. This gives you a clear goal and allows each location to be unique. On Siptah, if you want recipe x, you must go to any of the over a dozen nearly identical vaults scattered everywhere and run it over and over and over until you randomly get the recipe you want. No clear goal and the locations are by necessity pretty much the same, so there’s very little variety.
Then they did the same thing when they added more recipes with the figurines and the pools. Get a more or less random statue, go to pool, fight monster and get random recipe. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum.
I can see how this might be advantageous for a more PvP focused setting, which may have been what they were going for, but it makes the PvE aspect much less engaging.
It’s as dull as dishwater in a PVP setting too. The only real difference is that you might have your 5 hours of Prayers to RNGesus stolen by getting ganked at the last minute.
Yeah, that happens in PVE-C too, and it’s especially crappy when it happens due to Funcom’s refusal to fix the “you got killed during loading screen” bug.
I refuse to do the Well of Siptah dungeon solo for this exact reason. I’ve always got a clan mate standing by the exit because I get mobbed by NPCs while I’m loading. It’s the single most frustrating thing (aside from bugged star metal) in this game
I like both maps about the same. I don’t agree with any of the points being made here.
The one thing I’ve noticed from playing the two extensively and completely is that they are very nearly two completely different games.
For example, if you go into Siptah and try to play that map like you did EL, you will think there is too much RNG and you will have many other little complaints. Likewise, if you play EL after Siptah and try to play the game like you did in Siptah, you will think EL is a pretty terrible and dry experience. You really need to reset your mind for each when going from one to the other.
I dunno if people want to think that’s a good thing or not, but without that reset you won’t be getting the most out of the second map you play - and likely will come here making lists of things you think need to be changed, added, or removed.
My only real issue with Siptah is that the strong gear is balanced in Siptah, but overpowered on the exiled lands. This again wouldn’t be an issue if Siptah was a free expansion. When the server transfers hit, “Siptah gear” became the meta in PVP (it’s the only mode I play) and if you don’t spend more money on the game than what you originally paid for it, you’re crippled unless someone is nice enough to gift you some gear.
Yeah, that’s a legitimate point. It would be more critical however, if said gear wasn’t so prolific. I mean everyone by now probably has it or has decided to refuse it. But yeah there are a few situations in which that’s an actual issue for gameplay.
I don’t know about the rest of the posters here, but I’m not complaining about RNG in Siptah because of Exiled Lands, I’m complaining about it on general principle.
I’m against overuse of RNG in games in general, and Siptah is a poster child for that. I could go on about it at length, but someone I admire already explained it much better:
I only know PRC as a Dungeons & Dragons term meaning Prestige Class. There are a lot of made up terms on this forum I find nowhere else - so, it could be anything. Even RNG (Random Number Generator) seems misused here. RND (random or randomness) is a universally understood thing in gaming tho. Of course people will want to argue with this because they’re used to these terms on this forum - but… whatever, it’s all good!
Of course they might be talking politics… People’s Republic of China? Also CCP, Chinese Communist Party. But political discussion here isn’t allowed and well get your account suspended I think.
If this is true and Siptah is a “poster child” for such, then name ten things where this is the case. Heck I’d even settle for 5 if you’re feeing unworthy.
IMO it’s a bit of nonsense that keeps getting repeated here in these forums from people who don’t know Siptah well enough to know better - and who try to play it too much like Exiled Lands.