My whole server is unplayable

Im currently at a pve server cause im too tired to play like i did before, i get home and i wanna just chill and wander arround.

Anyways, the server im in is full of huge buildings in high trafic areas, its getting to a point where everything feels laggy, you ran 1 or 2 mins without lag then it comes back cause theres yet another small pee-pee base somewhere near.

Im reporting every base i see that has a reason to be reported but i cant do anything to other bases that are relatively legal, exept for the fact that you cant play in the area.

I love conan but this things make me feel like quitting honestly.

server info would help. If it’s an official server that’s your first mistake. if not contact the server administrator for help. or simply find a server that doesn’t lag your system.

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It is an official. I like them because most pve servers i have been that are private have a lot of rules that arent only building related, they ask for a minimum of play hours, or simply dissapear without notice. But im already reporting what i can, i guess im just venting, been on that server for months now :cry: kinda attached to it.

It is an official. I like them because most pve servers i have been that are private have a lot of rules that arent only building related, they ask for a minimum of play hours, or simply dissapear without notice. But im already reporting what i can, i guess im just venting, been on that server for months now :cry: kinda attached to it.

Official servers are subject to Funcom’s Terms of Conduct, found here:

Building restrictions are a controversial subject, but if buildings on the server severely limit playability, reporting seems like the proper course of action.

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