Is anyone else experiencing lag and stuttering issues on this server?
About every 6 seconds it stutters and lags out for 3 seconds, it’s starting to become unplayable as can’t even build without placing something in the wrong place as it stutters.
Also just before the last patch our Thralls have just been dying in our base for no reason and there’s not even a body to loot!
The lag issue is reported already, happening after the patch commonly on servers. Have you checked your thrallcount? Youre not over the limit?
August 25, 2021, 11:12am
Please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket:
How to contact us
If you want to report players, clans, exploits, or connectivity issues in any of our Official Servers, please contact us through Zendesk , our team will get back to you using the provided email.
Make sure that you fill all the text fields with accurate information, and that you provide irrefutable veridic proof and evidence to back up your report. This includes, but is not limited to, screenshots, videos, timestamps, names of characters and guilds, profiles.
We won’t be able to refund or return any loss of property caused by an infraction or abuse and as a result, any such requests will be dismissed.
You can read the full version of the Guidelines here:
Official servers' guidelines
Conan Exiles has thousands of official servers across several platforms and regions. These come with certain rules and strict enforcement.
By playing on an official server you are expected to follow the guidelines below. Support will do their best to honor these guidelines.
Please read through and consider the spirit of the guidelines, not the specific wording.
We reserve the right to modify these rules. We will notify players in advance of any …
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