Need more players. Keep game alive

Ps the game going to game pass is like a event to me it’s the new victims event and I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way. Lol welcome new comers then they all quiet because of people like me that has had nothing else to do for a long time good luck new people you gonna need it bombs for days

You are one of those who are very vocal about the game being dead and needing new players. Yet when there is an opportunity to grow the playerbase, you keep posting in every thread essentially how you gonna make them quit before they even have the chance to learn how to defend themselves.




lol build donate take over that’s the pitch of the game excuse me some peoples kids :joy:Like I’m gonna run off all the new players get real man i can’t be on all the servers at the same time and when I say show all the new people what we do with bombs how do you know I’m gonna use them on them maybe I take some of the new people under my wing show them how to use bombs on veterans so yeah stop assuming the worst

That’s why he needs more new players to the game - he needs helpless victims to bully. I think he’s being very consistent in his forum behavior.


The only thing that will accomplish is that someone will eventually point out you have no real data. People have been crying that “the game is dying” more or less since mid-2018. And every single time it’s either:

  1. someone who has no data and is extrapolating what they see on a handful of servers to the whole game, or
  2. someone who looked at the short-term data and then extrapolated that to long term.

Both of these approaches are simply wrong. The plural of “anecdote” is not “data”, and short-term trends are unreliable.

So if you want to argue about the playerbase on the consoles, I suggest looking for a source of data.

Nobody care that this suggestion is added at late 2019??

Sorry, mate, that’s not how it works. If I come to you and say “most men prefer to wear red shirts”, it’s on me to back my claim with data. If you tell me, “prove it with data”, I can’t just cop out and say “show me the data that proves I’m wrong”.

In other words, do your own research for your own claims :slight_smile:

Yeah, but @NightMother intentionally necroed the thread:

Right, so we’re both just guessing without having any actual data :man_shrugging:

I was talking about the wild creatures, in Ark they just jump attack and push you of a cliff lol (and they too are very VERY predictable)…
In Conan for example the animals like wolfs attack the way they do in real life too. I personally care very little about taming, but yes it can be improved on Conan.

The lag is the biggest issue sometimes they just stand still and die or teleport, the same attack pattern is perfectly reasonable we’re experienced players and know how it works so there’s the problem haha

I don’t know I don’t have weapons that attack faster than they do, so I always get hit and ganked by more then one mob, for example… some simple troll if he hits his special on you he might oneshot kill you in vanilla… you can’t dodge all of it. Especially the Werewolfs can be a pain…

I don’t know what to say. “They just jump attack and push you off cliff” sounds like you never got out of a beach because you got chased by raptors all the time and decided to quit for it. Those are the ones which jump on people, and fairly dangerous since they pin you down. Also they move around in packs, so you usually fight with 3-4 of them. If you dont pass by a wolf spawn in conan, you wont see a wolf in conan, fair and simple, its not a threat if its completely avoidable, its not same in ARK, randomness creates challenge.

Every dino has a unique that is different from others, come on, we don’t even have anymore “thrall which is different than others anymore” they took it away from us by putting a standard with removing special recipes. The fighting thralls differ only in numbers, nothing more, literally nothing more, pets, none ever uses them unless they are some sort of collector or roleplayer, they have no proper combat function that would over exceed a thrall, so basically useless… Also if you jump off a cliff, in ark, creatures usually follow you down, its not like Conan that they deem heights to be impassable terrain (when you climb on rock or jump off a small cliff), they CAN traverse through cliffs, up down depending on creature type. There are few who can climb trees. Obviously there are flying and swimming creatures. Probably your last experience was at ARK beta. Because that’s the only time what you said could be relevant.

Werewolf? If you mean the ones in exiled lands, they are extremely weak at best even boss of Sag… how are they even one shotting you, are you running around in rags with no vitality? 600hp smth creature come on. You can literally stagger, every creature with blocks and attacks.

At best these are very isolated examples. Doesn’t change the fact that overall the bosses are fairly weak. Talking about the ones in Exiled Lands, can’t talk about siptah, since its a D L C, not base game, also that I don’t play on it, even I own it, since my server is on Exiled lands. But I spawned every single Siptah NPC for challenges in my server, since they look cooler than what we have on EL.

If we are just giving impressions, the PS server I play on has exploded in recent months. From only 2-4 people online normally, to 12-15 now and sometimes even over 20 during peak weekend hours. I don’t pay attention to other servers and how the population is growing or declining, but on this PVE server, it has certainly grown exponentially in the past few months!

Not possible to farm that from scratch. kill time alone would eat at it. Now if you had tar,brimstone already then yeah. But that is not farming but flipping mats. Big difference.
.To farm from scratch 1000 bombs, 1 person would have to get 30000 brimstone, 25000 hides (non thin or non fur), @5000 bark, 25000 crystal, and of course 1000 demon blood. If on Siptsh good luck finding 25000 crystal in 2 hours…Hella rng on flotsam boxes I guess.

Again if you had all the basic resources in a vault, that is not fully farming 1000, but flipping all the mats. That is doable with enough work stations.

One of the goblin vault areas has tons of crystals to mine with an improved pick and there are manual pickup locations at almost all of the weyshrines…

As a person with a job that allows me to be logged into the game a lot more than the average person, I 100% support this. I don’t want to be online as much as I am, but I do so to keep an eye on things. Especially because most single layer T3 base can be destroyed in <an hour.

That’s just your assumption I played a lot of hours Ark and yes like every animal in Conan they have a unique attacks, but most attacks are jump attacks and not special. In Conan it felt like there is more variety in attacks to think about the panters, rhinos. Not the thralls, they don’t attack that great.

Btw I was talking about the AI not the converted to pets or thrall ones.

The ones in the Siptah vault throw spam you on the ground, I have 161 melee attack and can’t oneshot most of them without being thrown on the ground, when 2 or 3 attack you at once they may kill you before you can even stand.

You can’t stagger them all the time, yes you can hold block and let your thrall do the work, but that might take awhile too since the thrall is spammed down on the ground as well…

The only mat we didn’t farm from scratch was demon blood.
Sulfur lake gives around 13k sulfur + 3 caves and you will have like 22-25k sulfur in one farm rotation. One player can do it alone in less than an hour.
Crystal you can farm tons of it on the caves.
5.000 barks takes 10 to 15 min.
Hides we splitted in 2 groups. One farming savannah and the other farming jhebbal sag dungeon.
All of this was on the exiled lands.
I know that some.materials are harder to get on siptah but there are some materials much easier to get on siptah, a friend of mine farmed 5 chegas full of alchemical base alone in a given time.

yeah, but you aren’t getting 25000…if I remember maybe 1000 per run, then 15?? minute spawn time. so 8000 from there at best. the other 17,000 would be 34 flotsam loot rng. Not happening. Again, many confuse with flipping vaulted mats with farming.

just the crafting time alone to get all the tar would take 14 tanners at best speed (3s per) to get the tar done in 1.5 hours. And 24 alchemist stations for 1.5 hours.

I am not saying y’all didn’t do it fast, but let us not exaggerate okay.

And i think one of the main issues is how many cheats thats been availiable for such a long time… Atleast official pvp servers.