Our clan plays on an official PVE server and I logged in today to find that during a neighbour’s purge some of the mobs spawned inside our base and destroyed a chunk of our walls and foundation.
We have had parts of our outside walls destroyed before by one of their purges so we have been upgrading to tier 3 for the outside wall to protect ourselves. This time however, none of the outside wall is broken, only walls and foundation within our base have been destroyed by imps and an imp king.
We understand that if a person nearby gets purged the mobs spawned will attack whatever is on the way but we weren’t aware they could spawn inside our base. Is this as intended?
Our neighbours have built as close as they possibly could to us to the point that we couldn’t fully complete our outside wall with the spiked fencing and we seem to keep getting caught in the crossfire of their purges.
Defending against a purge is all part and parcel of Conan but to have another clan’s purge spawn inside our base seems harsh. Would a possible workaround be for the required distance between bases to be increased so they at least don’t spawn inside another persons base.