New Purge makes Conan no longer a survival game

Yes! I would love to see Funcom restore the old Purge with the Convergence Trap on the Exiled Lands map AND move that timer so you don’t see it unless you access the Convergence Trap itself. Hide it.


No, they’re useless for that.
Not the wood-chopping one, I have to say … that works really great.

And they only work when you are right there so could be doing the work yourself.
For me the point of gatherers is to gather no matter if I’m on or not.

Also, and I’m never growing tired of saying it, it’s absolutely dumb that a GOLEM can harvest stuff and human thralls can’t.

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Y’all take this so serious, geez. I really wanted to focus on the random base attack. The base. I liked having to rush a squad to a random base. The panic it caused was the main fun for my group. The group has voted against CE, and we are moving on to other games. I loved CE and always will, but the PVE aspect of the game has been killed for us. Good luck, everyone! Perkins out.


Well but nowadays practically every game puts a “survival” tag once there is hunger/thirst.

What do you think a survival game is? Practically every one I’ve played (Green Hell , Forrest 1 and 2 for example) is about surviving for the first few hours, the rest is about fighting and farming better equipment.

Like Conan.

The truth is that FC could significantly limit the amount of food you can get from fallen enemies . Not for nothing I renamed one location to “Mc Mounds”- go through the whole place once and u have 25-30 feasts


Just pull the trigger and power down the server already.
Don’t talk to these fanboys here on the forum and don’t waste time on reading through walls of text they post (seriously guys I know that you have no life, but what makes you think others don’t?)

If you want to play good old Conan there seems to be a way to download old version of the client from Steam. The same applies to server, which has to be launched with a special parameter which makes it not connect to steam and not update.
Or there is an easy to find website where you can download Conan v2.6 but I’m not sure whether you can connect to a private server with it or whether the client is safe to use.

Yes just move on and never look back, there is Ark, there is Valheim and there is Space Marine 2 where you can play with your friends and it’s the best game that happened to us in years.

Conan Exiles is dead, private servers shut down every day, modders leave.
Just look at Steam charts, all Conan players are in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seriously guy :smile:

Yet here you are. Face it, the game has a large habitation in your brain.


This does make me wonder - what exactly is your motive for staying here on these forums and posting? If you don’t like the game, and if you disrespect the community, then isn’t the most rational solution to just leave?

Instead you keep clinging on and spreading your misery. Is it that because you, yourself, are no longer enjoying Conan Exiles, you want everyone else to be unhappy about it, too? That’s a very, erm, Finnish attitude, if I may say so.


If i had a penny for each time i read this sentence the last 5 years…

At least we are no longer white knights, we got degrade i see!

True, don’t. But i’ll suggest you start playing again in order to have opinion about the game.
Have a nice evening!


While this one appreciates the loot rework awhile back, this is a sticking point.
Feasts, especially in bulk, aren’t exactly something that should be in enemy pockets.
Dried meat and berries, bread, mushrooms, salted foods, water skins (altho their inability to be dismantled does junk up inventories).
Those make sense.
Perhaps cooks could have a feast in inventory.
Priests as well, for their specific religion.
Purge FoBs having Stygian rations is very reasonable.
But overall, the prevalence of full meals in enemy pockets is somewhat silly.

The entire cooking system could probably use a bit of an overhaul. Both in how new recipes are learned and what these foods do.
But that’s down the priority list from things like the religion system, ect…


Fortunately, Conan Exiles has sorcery; so you say the game’s dead, but consider, with the sorcery update, it’s just undead now! :rofl:

Its self-validation. My first job at a movie theater had some employees like that. One of the reasons I was able to get in and get employed there was because a number did a walkout and left the job. After a few of us were hired or transferred in, the former employees would hang around and say how bad the company was and how the managers were. I worked there for about 2 years while going to college. Their complaints were simply because they had just no work ethic and were going to have issues in any job they went to. And it was something everyone picked up on when they would hang around and we all saw them as losers pretty much. Why did they do it?

Well they made a decision that was a big one. Employment changes aren’t something people make on an everyday basis. So they needed to fill their self-esteem on it as well as virtual signal to their buddies about it.

You see that here. Conan Exiles isn’t a game where you can play 10-20 hours and have your fill. Its a multi-hundred hour game and for many it can suck in thousands of hours. You get your money’s worth out of this game.

But it can run its course. But because of the sunk-cost fallacy, people tend to refuse to take a break or move on when that happens. So when you have someone who’s played for a few months with a few hundred hours or a few years with a few thousand hours, moving on hurts inside.

So two things happen. Since it kinda hurts, makes one feel a little sick, hesitate, and anxious. They lash out. This is why you see someone like Noquturn make personal attacks to those who say they still enjoy the game. Its a natural instinct to lash out when feeling hurt, sick, or anxious. However human beings also have a pesky thing called reason they are expected to use in such situations. No one playing and enjoying the game is the reason they feel the way they do.

The other is they feel awkward. They’ve made a decision to stop playing, or are in the process of doing so. Most players in games don’t really choose what to play and when to stop. They go with fads, trends, and some sort of authoritative personality.

You see this a lot with games that get huge hype before it comes out. Gets played for a few weeks and then dies off. That new space marine game is a good example of that. Its going to peter off hard in a few weeks since its a game designed around that. A $60 game meant to milk everyone for about 10-20 hours, then it will drop to $45 to milk those willing to pay that, and then sit at $30 for the rest of its existence, with heavier sales in the future to ink out the rest. I’m not saying its a bad game. But it fits the mold of most AAA games where they aren’t meant to be these extensive experiences.

Conan Exiles is different. If you’re someone who’s bought all DLCs, bought each Battlepass (didn’t roll the crom coin over), and bought a few things in the store. You’re probably still ahead in money spent per hour played than a typical AAA $60 title. Not supporting the store in anyway by stating that, just stating a fact. (20 hours in a $60 game is 3/hr, 6000 hours into a game you’ve spent $500 on is about 9¢/hour rounding up)

So when someone with that much time invested is thinking of leaving, they need that feeling of community backing them. When they come to the forums to say they are leaving, are tired of the bugs, and all that. They aren’t looking to give feedback. They are looking for others to agree with them. They expect everyone to agree with them.

When not everyone does, they feel insulted. The very thing that makes them anxious and such is not being agreed or validated, how dare them.

Players like what they like, its as simple as that. When you load up Conan Exiles, it works. You can play through. You can make a character survive the wilds, make items, get thralls, build bases, and so forth. There’s issues when doing things and specific things happen. There’s preferences in design choices that some people favor and some people don’t.

There’s no way we’re going to be able to agree on anything. And there really isn’t a right or wrong way to play, enjoy, or see the game. And for the purposes of keeping this comment from derailing the topic any more than the tangents brought up have. I will say that there is nothing wrong with the new purge system.

From someone who has played and admined on servers, my experience is a bit broad in this regard. One of my least favored things about the old purge was that it did NOT facilitate every playstyle. When I was playing and then admining on the last server I played on that had it. It worked as intended. There was no instances that I could tell that it failed to purge. I’ve played on servers where it didn’t work well. But in this case it seemed to work as well as it should have.

It was still problematic. We had clans that could not fill their purge meters. Their activity wasn’t enough to trigger it. And some of you might be thinking. Oh… well they don’t play enough. Well they did… they played like 3-4 times a week for a few hours.

How is that possible? Well the trigger time was set higher than default.

Why is that? Because other clans were triggering it several times a day. They had a different playstyle that filled the trigger bar continuously while they played. Neither group is playing wrong. They are just playing the way they want to play.

But even with the extended purge they were seeing 2-3 purges a day. At that amount of purges, some other clans were never seeing purges. It wasn’t because purges were bugged. It was all based on filling that purge bar. Some clan’s activities were such that it will fill multiple times a day, others weren’t able to fill it in a day before it decayed off.

Was the decay rate set too high? Well no, but lowering it would cause an extra purge around when the other clans would log in, and so doing that wouldn’t give them some time to just enjoy the game that isn’t a purge.

And just so everyone knows, the server at the time was incredibly active and could support well over 30-40 players without any noticeable issues. When you play on a server like that, its very easy for clans to be large and very active. Which can cause purges to get a little crazy.

So while I know people loved the somewhat random and non-consensual nature of the old purge (and I agree that was a cool aspect of it). It was a horribly designed feature when you take in multiple different playstyles and clan sizes into account. From a design point of view, the new purge is better. It fixes the issue in the scenario I saw first hand. Which is the main reason I played on purge off. Purges are fun, but I don’t want them to be half my gameplay.

The new purge is subjectively a downgrade. You proclaim your wealth and then someone notices. That’s a downgrade thematically from some raiders randomly coming to tear down your walls. However. Players who want to play with the purge, but not always in a purge state can do so. Players who want purges for all of their gameplay can do so. Players who don’t want purges at all can also do so.

The new purge covers the playstyles of everyone. Its far more inclusive in that regard. So in my opinion, its objectively better. The pluses outweigh the negatives. I’m acknowledging the negatives. I saw them as negatives the moment I saw how it worked. But that’s for me personally. Not for the entire Conan Exiles playerbase.

This isn’t a situation of people not being ‘good’ enough to fight off a purge. That’s ridiculous. You can setup in newbie river to avoid purges out right. You could set up in the lowest purge level area and just let T3 guards and T3 structures plaster them while you’re afk. They weren’t hard unless you made them hard. They were just there and there in some cases, far far too often.

But at the end of the day. Its not wrong for people to have liked the old purge. They just found a place to play with settings that fit their exact style and frequency of play. They are ignorant that there are people on their server who would never see the purge or those who see it too much. Its also not wrong for people to like the new system.

What is wrong is people saying that people who didn’t like the old system are bad the game or weaker players. They’re not. They just want to engage with the other 99% of the game with more frequency than they had to deal with the purge.

As for the game being a survival game… well I would point out that this is Conan Exiles. In the books, Conan goes from surviving near naked with no food or water, to crushing very powerful men in short order. Surviving day to day for a long time trying to make sure you have enough food, sheltered against the elements, and all that popular in other survival games simply does not fit the Conan Aesthetic. We’re not playing Conan, but he saw fit to help us survive. That makes us adjacent. :crossed_swords:

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1983 called, they want their insults back. Don’t look now, but your lack of originality is showing.

Hahahahahaha “there is ARK”. Hilarious.

Dear Players: If you enjoy how buggy Conan has become, you’ll definitely enjoy a game with three times as many bugs. As an added bonus it’s also becoming more and more P2W.

You bet, because obviously Space Marine is a top notch survival game. Oh, what’s that you say, it’s a completely different genre of game and is completely meaningless in this conversation? What a surprise.

Speaking of fanboys…

And yet here you are.

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Now my eyes hurt.


Dune: awakening.

Way back in the day :older_man: I bought a game based on hype, sounded like it was going to be the next linear battle game, Bought it the week it dropped $60 for a PS2 game. Bought it on a Friday, Had it finished Saturday, 0 replay value except for time runs; just under 8 hour.

I wont spend more then $30 tops on a game, and I had better get 300 hours of game play out of it. Enshrouded still owes me 40 hours of game time, and I got it on sale.

That is where I move to after the third bugged purge took out a base.

Something to point out here, how many thralls do you use for your “purge base” How many do you have guarding your main base? How many manning benches?

People are now going to have to give thought as to where they put their thrall power.

You are totally wrong i play both conan and ark i can tell you with 100% conan have 3x more bugs also ark bugs and glith are easy solved one example if you lost a dino for mesh or bug you just report it and they give you the dino back and same for character if you lost a charater when transfer or if server crash they give it back.

Saddly in conan if you lost something by bug crash or mesh they NEVER give it back to you and theres bug stay like years like the thrall pot bug , the zath orbs killing thralls and the people using the drawerbridge to enter in meshs.

Survival game should be about building a base, get followers under your banner and survive being sieged or face harsh climate conditions. If the only survival mechanic is food and water, at least make water and food hard to come by and implement a system where all your followers need to eat/drink.

It’s a good idea but given how FC can implement things into the game I’d rather avoid it.
How long are we waiting for the thrall pot fix ? A year ? two ? And in the meantime, the whole age was focused on purges. I spent hours just giving thralls food before a purge and then taking it away again.

I actually think the hunger and thirst system is extraneous. Since the beginning its always been this thing we have to do, but there is no ‘why’ or benefit to doing it ‘well’.

When you start a new character, there is a slight urgency to eat and drink. But eating and drinking is easily done by walking north and finding bugs in the bushes you gather and the water of the newbie river.

Eventually you will cook meat and be rewarded with not having to chomp down a stack of bugs every so often. Drinking is also alleviated by a skin that you can take with.

Finally you get recipes to make some buff foods and wells to where you no longer have to travel to specific areas to get water.

But that last step gets tedious because you still need to eat and drink… because you are a person that needs to eat and drink. But you’re so well established why can’t we just assume that happens when it needs to.

Its not like maintaining that stuff is hard, or even a mechanic. It could be, but why? We’re not playing a survival game where we’re trying to see how long we can last. Where if you die, you start over anew and try to see how far you can get. Our characters have permeance. We’re playing Conan Exiles. We’re playing characters that are as I mentioned in my above post, are Conan-Adjacent. I’m not saying we are as important, strong, or as influential as Conan. But we’re important enough that Conan takes us down off a cross, remembers us when we speak to him, and we have agency within the Exiled Lands, and apparently more so than whatever origin our characters were exiled from.

To put it shortly, our characters are not disposable, or expendable. Conan Exiles is not that sort of survival game.

So lets look back at what it takes to feed and water ourselves. Water is simple enough, drink it. Store it and drink it. Or well it and drink it. But food is where things are a little different.

The first stage is bugs out of a bush. Or eggs out of a nest. Basically anything you can press interact over in the beginning will give you food. There’s an urgency to fill in that hunger meter as it isn’t full to start.

The second and third stage are related. You craft a tool and harvest with it. Depending on the harvest power of the tool, you get a number of material. Lets just focus on meat for a moment. Killing anything results in being able to harvest meat from it with a tool. You get a few smacks per carcass. You know how much meat you get from this.

Depending on the tool, you can even end up with a stack or two per carcass even on 1.0x gather rates. That’s enough to feed yourself a few times over.

In the second mid tier, the meat doesn’t last forever. But you get so much that doesn’t really matter. When you advance to the end game and reach high to max level. You have preservation boxes that make it so you don’t need to gather as much. This isn’t a requirement for gameplay. Its a convenience.

I had thought in previous times that making it so tools didn’t result in so much meat would be a good fix for this situation. But then I asked why? What purpose does it give in gameplay to hunt for food everytime I log in?

It doesn’t. This is Conan Exiles. Hunting is something we can do. Its not part of the core gameplay. Its something you can do on the side.

So I threw out that idea. Its extraneous to have to add hunting to our daily login regimen. If we read the stories, Conan is a capable hunter. He doesn’t hunt all the time. He eats most of his food in taverns and whatnot. We can build our own taverns… why are we hunting every day for?

So I got to thinking even further. Why is it so important for us to eat and drink all the time for? Well its not. It doesn’t fit the actual theme.

So I believe the hunger and thirst system should be reworked. Instead of it being something that kills you if you neglect it. It should be something that provides you benefits instead. Benefits you really don’t want to ignore, but at the same time, you don’t simply respawn.

I mean try this. Load up in singleplayer. put hunger and thirst to 10x rate. Then let your character stand there. They get hungry and thirsty and die. Respawn, get hungry and thirsty and die, then respawn. Leave it go like that for a few hours. Then turn them back to 1x and play normally. What was the downside of that? Nothing.

Why does it exist? Our characters last forever either way. And this isn’t the type of game where permadeath would be something that would add to the experience or the theme of the game as is. So the only thing the hunger and thirst system does is put a timer on our activities. The timer means you can leave your base for x amount of time where x = hunger/thirst timer + ((hunger restored by food) + (thirst restored by water)) * the slots used in inventory for food and water. We have 250 slots, so slots aren’t really being limited, but weight kinda does. And I say kinda because skins don’t weigh much, and you don’t exactly need food in stacks to do extended play.

To put it shortly, the x amount of time isn’t going to be limited before you get your weight encumbrance maxed out, tools/weapons need repair, or you simply run out of time for that play session.

And limiting that timer further just isn’t fun or immersive either. I need to click this every few minutes or respawn. Because reasons. And those reasons being someone put a custom tag of ‘Survival’ in the steam store page.

As @GodlyVoice said, the game is about making a base, taking thralls, and dealing with the environment. We also have dungeons to delve, enemies to crush, and demons to vanquish. We’re doing the Conan experience. Take slaves, sacrifice virgins, find forbidden lore, loot tombs, carouse at taverns and brothels, crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women. Clicking a button to eat and drink so we don’t respawn seems a bit… underwhelming compared to that.

Do we throw out hunger and thirst entirely? No. I don’t think we need to do that. But like I said it needs a rework. And I say more or less rip off Valheim and Enshrouded on that regard. Give our food and drink some decent buffs so we -Want- to get them and improve them.

Remember what I said about the benefit to doing it ‘well’. Well we get rewarded for getting better thralls. We get rewarded for getting better armor. We get rewarded for getting better weapons. Why not food and drink?

Well we kinda do. But lets double down on it. So eating those few bugs and drinking basic water in the beginning will give basic buffs to health and stamina. Cooking food and brewing teas/coffees/alcohols gives some slight bonuses to damage, or maybe some slightly better stuff. And then finally we have better brewed and cooked stuff stocked in our taverns, where just visiting it gives the buffs fueled into them. Where we’re not worrying about the minute details, we have thralls for that. Every game that uses this sort of system does it a little different, does buffs a little differently, stacks the bonuses a little differently, give this the Conan Exiles theme, make it its own thing.

Surviving for our characters isn’t spent scrounging in the dirt at max level. But leading our organization (the culmination of our thralls, bases, and clan) and guiding it to success.

Look at the biggest base you all have built, with the highest level crafters, the best stations, the vaults of loot. Now you ask yourself, why is the leader who put all that together, the one who runs the show, is scrounging around looking for water and hunting for their own food? And having to do that to avoid dying on a near hourly basis?