New Purge System Comments

Probably less skeletons though. :rofl:

You assume those sneaky skeletons haven’t fastened a rope to the Dune ship to drag it down the waterfall with them?

Good question actually. I am not sure how the settings are on official servers but I know on most servers I have played on you need to have at least 1 person online in your clan to trigger a purge going off. But if that person is a lower level new member they may be woefully ill prepared to defend against a purge. :woman_shrugging: However, most RP servers I have been on if you announce it in global then anyone close by will come running to your defense and help out so you should be fine. :rofl: Again, really not sure how this would work on an official server.

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The old purge system was the one we loved the game. However it was always problematic. You could easily avoid your purge without converge traps, all you had to do is leave clan recreate clan and your purge meter was zero.
So hold your breath about punishment from purge. The only punishment the old purge had was that after 4 years of development it had more problems than fun and it was fully exploitative. Not to mention the trolling to pve players from purge.
The new purge system is yet to come, now it’s problematic but i didn’t expect anything different and anyone who’s playing this game all these years knew what we’ll get and in what shape. Nothing new. However like sorcery, last year i lost many in the circle of power, now it works excellent and it doesn’t bring back empty bodies. So try to make this purge better, the new one because the old one never made it.

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Let’s be real. The old purge sucked. Primarily because it didn’t work. Most people would prefer the old purge if it worked.

The new purge sucks. It “works” sometimes. Whether it works or not, it sucks. Some people prefer it. Most don’t.

The main issue is that the team or the software or whatever, does not allow for a system that works.

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Why would you choose a mechanic that you cannot control than a mechanic that you have the absolute control of it? This mechanic is new and under development, it has way to go but it’s sure that the next year it will work flawless and it will still have possibilities for more.
Nothing this game has can be compared to a lvl X purge and nothing this game ever had was so difficult as this purge has become. And it’s still rough, we didn’t see yet the siege mechanics that they promised.
If the mechanic was working correctly the op would never call a purge in his funcy base, instead he would complain that the rewards for the destruction are not enough :rofl:.

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If the mechanic was working correctly the op would never call a purge in his funcy base, instead he would complain that the rewards for the destruction are not enough

If? I assume this is meant as a slam against Krudark, but I’ll point back to my post:

Crimsonsplat: The dynamic has changed from a game challenge to a self-challenge.
Ask yourself this: if you were faced with an unrewarding dungeon that you had NO need to go into, would you do so?
So WHY would your clan trigger purges? “Stop me from hitting my head with this hammer!”

Claiming that the purge mechanic is incomplete is disingenuous; the problem isn’t the incomplete portion, the problem is a buggy implementation of a fatally flawed concept. Either the devs make the purges worthwhile (thereby turning them into a loot pinata to be farmed) or the number of purges (and possibly players) will crater.

The old auto-generation of purges was flawed, buggy, and needed fixing. It did not need wholesale replacement with a concept broken from the get-go. As usual, “successor team syndrome” has reared it’s ugly head and resulted in a game completely unlike the original vision.

mutter, mutter, changes in game experience may occur, disclaimer, disclaimer.


I’ll be very surprised if the new purge is still in the game in 5 months. The Stygian armies are the Age of War. The Age of War is over - there are no Stygian armies.

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There are many things in this game that had not good reasons to do them more than once. One by one they get reason. It’s the first time after all these years i see light in the tunnel.
Question, how many calamity surges you have done? :wink:

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Don’t even know what that is. Played after the game came out, left it, came back for AOW 1.


As i told you. It’s not new, there are plenty things in this game that no matter how hard, difficult and expensive they are, they have no other reason than role play. Calamity surge is the highest and it’s rare. You have to spend at least 1001 swirling chaos to have it yet it’s rng again it’s not sure you’ll gain it. But it’s a surge with animals and bosses, why should someone would call a surge like it other than lvl up his thralls. Now however it must have really good drops too, yet why should i spend so many when everything is out there for free :man_shrugging:.

It’s an Isle of Siptah game mechanic, you can’t do it in Exiled Lands.

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I’m running 8’s consecutively. I noticed that I’m still getting thralls that are supposed to drop from the 10’s.

It’s perfectly flawed, but I prefer this purge to checking my event log for hours on end and still not getting purged.

because it was fun - pve threat from the world, this is survival game, not only pvp players but pve too must build their base with potential raid in mind (offline too)
plus random npc attacks give purpose to the army of thralls and pets
now its all gone, in return people get some controlled fun arcade tower defence mechanic, but most of players want to defend their main base from NPCs, not small one (build specially for the raid purposes).
Why should people even bother to bulk defences when no1 is gonna attack ever?

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I really have no idea where Funcom want to go with this. I liked the new stuff in Age of Sorcery, but the new purge is a major “uninstall-reason” for me and my clan.
We have a 10 man server running for some years now and the “randomness” of purges was the fun thing.
We have 3-5 bases on the map, we don’t use too many thralls and pets (lol pets) and try to defend those bases. The new system is like being spoon-fed. There is no purge when you not beg for it by clicking a npc.
That’s the total opposite of the story of Conan Exiles.

First time we stopped playing after resetting the server for a new playthrough.

Of course it was, but it was problematic too. I won’t go with you where this purge was problematic, you already know.
Now however, again, you have a new mechanic, from scratch. By calling the old purge you’ll get nothing. We cannot name how many things that was fun are long gone and never return. The only option we have is to make this new purge better than the old one. It already give you more options, who told you that it’s going to stay as safe as it is now? We both know it won’t.
So instead of asking the broken mechanism back, give ideas and feedback how to make the new one better.
Be careful what you wish for :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

yeah it is rough at the moment. If someone is running a purge near my base, then it wont load fully until the purge is done. that is how much lag these purges are causing on official servers. purges fail to spawn when too many people are online as well. if too many trees are near your purge base, they can cause it not to spawn, and then if so the entrance to the purge base will be 180 degrees away from your base which causes purge mobs to cluster inside the attacking base. if they had decent npc/thrall AI that knew how to walk around an obstacle it wouldn’t be so bad. they should have tested this system in more locations than the exile lands desert.

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This new purge was a great idea with a lousy implementation. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, for me. I won’t touch the game until they fix the damn thing.


My opinion, playing on an official PvE server.

Old purge: so broken that it is a waste of time waiting for it to happen, you are better off farming thralls on the map the good old way (on the official PvE servers, the environement is not punitive enough to feel a lack if you do not get thralls from purges anyway).

Why did it not work in my opinion? Many reasons, I will quote only few:

  1. the range of time set by the server, which does not allow the purges outside of that time. Meaning that only people working office hours get to have fun. It is honestly frustrating. If someone knows why that rule was implemanted on the PvE servers, please enlighten me.

  2. the gauge of purge decreases in time instead of saving your last progress and keeping it that way. Which means that there is a high chance of being left on the sidelines if you can only play once a week because of real life agenda. You will have to farm the exp of your purge gauge again, and cope with the time range imposed by the server at the same time. It’s pretty bad.

  3. the one at a time purge rule, which restricts the number of active purges on the server at the same time. When you happen to be able to launch your purge in that range of time (after taking a day off because you’re not an office lady :face_with_hand_over_mouth:), you can wait for hours for it to start, because the server does not allow many purges at once. You understand that the poor lad next to you has been waiting for his turn too, so… you wait too, for your turn. Still waiting, you have a look at the time: nooooo, the range of time has passed, so you cannot have your purge today, too bad (yes, yes, crapy experience) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

  4. the inconvenient factors called bugs. One of them? Waiting for the other waves to come at you after you successfully defeated the first wave of mobs. But nothing happens, no one comes. After a while, you get the message that the purge is over. Yeah… just like that :exploding_head:

To sum up, the old system of purges was very fun on the private servers which lifted most of the restrictions (no time range!!). On the official PvE servers, the old purge is worse than the new system of purge, in my opinion. At least you get to have “something” that attacks you with the new system. And when there’s no attack? At least you got some pretty shiny treasures to decorate your base :rofl:

Also, the new system of purge feels like there’s a story behind it. You get attacked for your treasures. While in the old system? I dunno, really. I would understand dafaris attacking you to eat your flesh, maybe… As for the other barbarians? The reasons for the old purges happening are too unclear, sorry. They would build nothing on top of your destroyed base, so the land revendication must not be it. They would destroy an empty stack of fondations if needs be, so stealing your goods and wifes wasn’t it either. Come on, even if barbarians like to kill, I am sure they are not stupid enough to risk their lives without something to motivate them.
Yeah… the new system is an improvement for the lore.

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Typically, this happens because somewhere on the approach to your base, around a corner or a large rock, one or more archers from the purge are stuck. Unless you personally come to them and kill them, the next wave will not come. Indeed, this is a very serious drawback of the previous purge system.

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Total agree with everything you said. PvE player here also.

I could never participate in purge’s before because of real life time constraints.

Now I can do them whenever I want and I can do them when random friends are on the official PvE server.

Its been great

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I really miss the old purges. Sure, they could be buggy, sometimes they spawned in base even when they appeared to have a clear path. But the randomness of what you would get, which direction they’d come from, when exactly it would spawn, was part of the fun for me. I’d really hoped when AoW was announced that they were fine-tuning purges, not completely redesigning them.

@Crimsonsplat I absolutely agree with you about how your group played. We did the same where we had a small group and we’d help each other with our purges; one of the bases of the clan seemed to get targeted way more than any of the others (it really wasn’t, if we counted it up, I think it was +1 over the next closest, but certainly felt that way sometimes!).

I feel like there absolutely could have been some kind of something in-between of these two purge types: could have the enemy type and randomness that used to exist, with the set-up that occurs now because when it does work, it’s a neat concept (but needs a lot of work for it to function properly). If you declare wealth, maybe you’d get harder or more frequent purges than if you just kind of tucked stuff away and hoped to avoid notice. A “the purge comes for everyone eventually” kind of deal where you can opt in to more frequent checks or…something.

Additionally, I was hoping that there would be more to do with treasure than just hoarding it. Unless the raiders manage to steal it, you lose nothing. There’s no upkeep for your base, and the rewards you can purchase aren’t really super amazing, imo.

Before, the purge was about defending your base. Build to prepare for an assault, you didn’t know what you’d get or exactly when and there was only so much you could do to control these (build in noob river without purges, pick an area that didn’t have enemies you wanted to avoid, control your xp, etc). Sure, you could get some fun thralls out of it and I liked getting thralls that you couldn’t otherwise get, even though they weren’t really different in anything other than name.

Now, if you want to participate, you don’t even have to risk anything because you just pick an empty spot, build something basic you don’t care about, and declare wealth there. And if you actually want to try it at your real base, 9 times out of 10, it will fail anyway.