Started playing a few weeks ago. My first experience was not being able to login after the age of war update for about 1 week until a patch that fixed it. I opened a ticket twice in that time to just get generic answer. My second experience was I was in a heavily populated server with queue of up to 16 players. Basically many days it was unplayable due to wait time. I opened ticket asking about possibly allowing character transfers since it was a feature before but again same generic response.
Now we move to today. My friend and I been strategically building a base in the snow area by the exit of “The Passage” on the new server we joined. Multiple layers of black ice, anti climb, and thralls outside. Base is walkable to access. In the middle of doing things we get alert of purge is happening which we knew because we been tracking our meter. We felt ready and felt we built the base to where it would pass. With multiple layers of black ice, T4 thralls and we would be outside fighting. Well we start hearing fighting but don’t see them. They start to spawn in our faces inside the base. So here we are trying to find them and fight in tight quarters. Later they start falling from the ceiling. They had also spawned up top. Toward the end I had to remove my own anti climb to get up to see about 10 destroying my roof. Basically none spawned in the good space around our base and all spawned in or on the base. All that planning to waste.
I have deleted the game. Good thing it was free on game pass and I had been enjoying and thinking of buying DLCs. I suggest the Funcom remove purge until it is figured out. Either make the enemies spawn at X away or easier implement a flag base system that way purge cannot spawn within X of flag. And the idea that they spawn in for bases not walkable is nonsense because this definitely had access. Make the enemies be able to climb or shoot or something and if not don’t allow building in spots because you clearly have to figured out how to code this right and are affecting bases well placed in accessible areas.
The program tries to spawn NPCs outside of your base at a distance of about 25 foundations or more. There should be suitable enough flat places for this, preferably 2 from different sides, the program has a preference for attacking from 2 sides. And there should be a convenient passage from these places to the base. Usually, if these conditions are met, NPCs will not spawn inside.
There was more than enough walkable area around the base so this function is flawed. In fact more than 25 foundations worth because two sides are huge almost endless space. The the others I had actually initially put at least 15 foundations I removed and there’s still was space. there was ample space for spawn. I have researched seeing others with same issue and seen multiple videos of people having same issue. This system needs to be fixed. There is room for improvement and they need to remove this feature until it’s improved.
Was it a Cimmerian Berserker purge? This purge tends to spawn on base much more than others in my experience.
Now that you know about this Purges ability to spawn in or on your base, it should be easier to defend it. The Purge is a learning experience, and each one can throw new challenges your way. It can destroy your base if you aren’t familiar with it’s complexities. As someone who gets the Purge around once a week (I’ve been playing for over 5 years) the Purge is very exciting and keeps me playing the game. Don’t give up just yet, rebuilding to handle what the game throws your way can be very fun! I’m sure other purges will slowly walk up to your base, but some will almost always spawn right on it.
Frost Giant, Yeti, Cimmerian Beast-Tamers are all Purges much more likely to do a little stroll up to your base
I don’t know which one it was but I’m done with the game. If there is one thing I hate of any game is losing or in survival losing my things due to a bug or flaw. I’d rather be wiped by a player that successfully raided or a mistake I made than to lose anything because of a game flaw.
The last month- month and a half really has left a sour taste in my mouth. From the inability to logon for about 1 week. To then after that was fixed another week of server kicking everyone out due to connectivity issues to long queue and no option to move character even though that was a function in the game before to now a flawed system where the purge spawn in and above the base. I was looking forward to the purge but not like this. I actually found the NPCs easy. I think the purge was actually easy but I won’t stand for a flawed system. I have many other games I can enjoy rather than waste time on a game that has given me multiple issues. And this coming from someone that has played many survival games for over 10 years now like Dayzmod, Dayz, SCUM, Ark and others.
sounds like it wasn’t Cimmerian Berserkers or they would’ve done quite a serious amount of damage.
As you can see with my screenshot below, the game does intend for the Purge to spawn on and in your base at times (especially if you’ve built some kind of wall around your base). I’m not sure what your base looks like, so I can’t fully comment, but if you are on any kind of hill, the Purge may not be able to spawn around your base, and instead will spawn inside of it. This isn’t a flaw with the game or a glitch, it’s most likely because of where you built
edit: Most of my purges do walk up to my base, but sometimes they spawn inside due to the steep hill I’ve built on
In the next update they will be implementing something for the purge like you are suggesting!
The treasure coffer.
Where ever your treasure coffer is placed they will come to attack the coffer. You can choose to not have a coffer in your base as far as I understand now.
I highly suggest just not playing during purge time for now. Or placing all your valuables in a vault until it is updated. Search up the new treasure coffer system!
Not sure. It was all human fighters I know that. Base is above the cold side of passage area where a few dragons are. So it’s somewhat flat and mostly all walkable vs climbable. But as you said though even you have it happen at times due to some hills. To me that is a flaw in the system. Other than maybe up on a tree or mountain where there is no space would make some sense but not when there is available space. But if the code is picking up on some bases incorrectly and spawning as if they were not walkable that’s a flawed code and needs some rework.
This really took all fun in the game. And I’m only posting this because I think it needs work even though I do not plan to play this game again. But im sure others are dealing with this as well and any other new players im sure many will also quit as well if this happens.
Thx. Hopefully it work’s correctly . I may have played my last Conan though. Just multiple things in a small amount of time for me that I do not trust this dev any more. I had come in hearing good things but it does seem from research they have been dropping the ball in the last few months.
If I understand you correctly, you have built a base not far from where a large white dragon walks, blocking the only road to the south? If so, that might also have an effect. The program does not like NPC spawn near world bosses. My last base was in an open area not far from the world boss, and the attacks came from everywhere except the direction where he was sitting.
And another reason for the purge spawn inside the base may be its too large area or length.
Maybe that could be it. I was closer to the one skull bosses vs the 3 skull one. Seems like a finicky system to me. To many variables that can cause purge to spawn in a base. If it is the boss then maybe they don’t allow building near world boss or any of the areas that affect purge or change purge. Seems like to much trial and error to just figure out where to put base for purge imo.
Purge mishaps are, indeed, one of my biggest annoyances with the purge. I WANT to like it and like the idea of it. Sometimes it works great, sometimes it just completely breaks.
I’ve had purges that start and nothing ever spawns, or starts and gets through a wave and the next wave breaks and the purge glitches out and has to be ended via admin commands. Or one purge for a base is fine, everything works as intended and the next one spawns inside instead even though the build hasn’t changed to alter the route to the base. I will say that it was worse on a modded map compared to EL but I’m really hoping these issues with purges will be fixed next chapter.
That said, not sure how because the idea of the enemy setting up trebuchets and stuff likely means even more space needed and more potential for bugs/disaster. But we’ll have to wait and see.
Oh yes, to the highest degree.
Especially on Siptah.
A year ago, I couldn’t call for a purge anywhere on the southwestern island. It just didn’t come even with the convergence trap. Then I built my base in the very south of the southeastern island, on the beach. And everything was fine until I wanted to extend the pier into the sea. Then the purge broke down: the first wave of the purge was, as before, from the outside, and all subsequent ones spawned inside the base. This was repeated every time, i.e. it was not a bug, but an algorithm solution.
I would agree not a bug just a fault in the code/algorithm where they do have it set to span in bases with set parameters but it’s having issues and spawning in bases or bases may not appear to fall in those parameters but they are for very small details. Hopefully that change the other user mentioned on next update cleans it. Supposedly I read you can even opt out of the purge.
No matter what “experts” say, the purge comes for a specific area in your base.
Purges can’t climb, so anti-climb only affects other players. Understandable if you are on a PvP server.
Make sure you have room around the build.
Open your gates if you have them, and keep them open. Give the purge a path from the outside.
People will disagree with me. That’s fine. Our clan has had 100+ purges in the 5000 hours I’ve played this game. I have fought in purges with other clans at least 100 times. Keep your build locked up tight, and you will have a problem.
I have seen Berserkers run through an open building to get to a spot behind it. I have seen humans and animals run past entire open sections to get to one spot. I remember one purge in particular with @Wak4863, where they spawned on the roof of the locked up building, doing significant damage. That was early in our Conan days. We learned.
I have also seen thralls at a neighbor’s build attack purges and end up with damage to their build just two nights ago (They should not have built so close).
Bottom line - open builds are easier to defend in a purge. Closed builds limit the paths, and are harder to stop.
As far as I understand, it was important earlier, a year and a half or two years ago. There even sometimes it was necessary to remove the door in the doorway. And now the purge is simply attached to the corner of your base and does not react to gates and doors.
I’m sad that the game is in such a state that newcomers would feel this way.
It is a beautiful, incredibly unique and satisfying game. When it works.
Myself, I had had multiple purges since AoW and can say that the most significant purges ended up inside my builds. Which is not really different than what happened before…
I build with raiding in mind because I play on PvP servers. So there’s lack of pathways for the AI to reconcile.
Last night the purge ended up spawning directly inside the altar room and if it wasn’t for swiftly dispatching the first and only wave, it would have destroyed my clan’s protection from player projectiles and negated our work. Multiple waves might have done the deed.
I’d be ok with purges if they systematically got through the outer shell to inside; not having spawned inside the most vulnerable area.
The last purge we had at a different build saw the NPCs spawning inside honeycomb. We had to remove pieces to get to them.
Ultimately this is not intended, a bug. Another to add to the pile of longstanding ones that resurface or remain.
Purges can be a great challenge and opportunity to obtain priests, T4 worker and unique fighter thralls. It’s just not ever working right it seems.