New Siptah bosses in the EL dungeons

Since the new patch added the new bosses to the old Exiled Lands dungeons, I’ve been wondering if there’s a list of the location/identity of the new bosses?

The Scorpion Den has “No Prey Remains”.
The Warmaker’s Sanctuary has Blood Defiler.
The Dregs have Devourer.

What about the other dungeons like The Black Keep, Wine Cellar, Sunken City or Temple of Frost? I did The Black Keep today, but I couldn’t find any new bosses there. What about you?

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Temple of Frost has a Black Yeti.

Black Keep has additional loot chests, but no extra bosses, at least to my knowledge. The extra loot from chests and skeletons, however, is worth it even without extra bosses.

Didn’t find anything in the Sunken City, but only did the final boss there.


So that’s where all these new TBK chest rooms came from.

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In Sunken city flotsam boxes added and many many treasure chests. Now it really worth the shot to take your riptide and swimm in the ruins and noxious plantation of the deep. Additionally the prisoners are giving you a lot of treasure items, it wirth to play with the door and kill every single prisoner. The last dungeon has 6 legendary chests, it’s awesome.

I did only the dungeon. It’s been added with many treasure chests and traps. The thing i loved the most was the 2 chests with buff fishes. But…
So far i didn’t check the ruins outside, neither i used the underwater entrance.

I didn’t see anything new and exiting in this dungeon tbh, just changes in loot, nothing serious. But again i make a normal round not a grindy one.

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The frost temple added a black yeti. Also, there’s a few chests by the white dragon under the forge. Also should note that recipes for the forge no longer take hardened steel items. They’re crafted from scratch, so be prepared with the materials.

I’ve also heard the dregs now has another boss and a chain to climb up at the end, but didn’t do that dungeon yet.


Just run the Dregs new boss of course he fell into one of the holes and would not come out. Were is the chain? By the way 1 key opened all 3 chests

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This is something that needs to go in this topic.

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At the end of the dungeon by the remnant. There should be a hanging chain that can be climbed and there’s platforms you can travel across for a few chests. According to @KiahonfireOfficial it can be difficult to get back down though.

Some ppl on my official get black claws, blood-Moon Böw and other siptah Weapons on exile Lands, did Someone know where to get This specific ones

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Not yet my friend, i am still searching and tbh the last days i play more this below than everything else.

If something come in my knowledge i’ll let you know :+1:t6:

I read there’s an event called Blowback, where the final boss is a random Isle of Siptah boss monster. My guess is they got it from there.

I don’t get it. It’s always easy to get down.

Surviving the getting down can be difficult in some cases.

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Found no Siptah bosses in Wine Cellar or the volcano dungeon.

BUT one of the serpentmen bosses dropped a Siptah weapon, the Blade of the Betrayer. So, maybe there aren’t new bosses in all dungeons, but there is new loot at least in some of them.

Also, the increased drops from the mobs and chests make dungeon farming pretty efficient, I think. Got a boatload of improved healing potions from Wine Cellar, for example, 60 or so in total.

The Black Yeti isn’t new. What’s new about it is that you can actually reach it now. Before it was blocked off by an impassable wall of ice.

Correct. I got the Sword of Champions off a mini boss in one of the dungeons. Can’t remember which one. I ran a few the other day so my memory is a bit hazy.

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