New update on ps4

Game mode: [Online | pvp]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

[Free text]
All relic hunter treasure seeker’s turned in to performer 100hp all armor/weapons gone wtf? And thrall moaning making sounds. Ps4

Steps on how to reproduce issue:


Same here. Also they can’t be moved and won’t follow you.


Hello @Intellekt, welcome to the forums!

Our team is already aware of this issue and is looking into it, we apologize for the frustration it has caused.


They can no longer be turned into thralls. Same as the bandit captains but those didn’t bug out. You should be able to get some one to kill them .I spawned in witch queen on my server after time they did the same thing. @infoscat @Intellekt


Well i play on offisial pvp so can’t spawn in things lol. Are they remowing the relic hunter from being thrall. Noooo

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I have two chests full of them :astonished:

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Nope… Just a bug :smiley:

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This must be the biggest joke on ps4 history! Amazing 2 years I played this game , today will be my last day. My base has more than 500 treasure seekers… they all same as dead. Tons of silent legion armors , legendary weapons en gasmasks my seekers had … all gone. Please funcom do me a fever and take a look at my server 3212 official conan exiles server. You will understand why today it will be my last funcom game ever.
All my time I spend on this game is as good as lost. You did this to us the first time with vathis the heropheant. Next days I will use my time wel to tell the world how bad this game is en that they never should give there money to a funcom game , it’s just a waist. And yes I’m angry!

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The only good thing to do in this situation is freeze all servers until the fix is there !!

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Raid Time! LUL :wink:

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game still continus crashes

Well I just lost about 30 annihilators/adventurers blades. I get sentimental about my “main” thrall so i’m sad to see her go.

So can we stop nerfing thralls? It’s foolish. Now everyone is stuck with Erii the ravager. At least relic hunters had various appearances so each players thrall was unique.

When will this end? We know Erii will be removed next along with all the volcano fighters. It will continue until the noob beach fighters are all we have left. I’d rather them just rip off the bandage and remove all thralls from the game. That seems inevitable.

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For me its ending today, this game is a waist of my time.


They are working on a fix so don’t give up hope.


I’m sorry to hear that. This has been very demoralizing but I am hopeful that Funcom will repair this issue by giving us back our relic hunters. I don’t expect them to give me back my legendaries but I would just like my main girl back. I’m frustrated but I’m going to hold on because this game has been pretty great. I imagine PvP players will be dropping like flies though.

I never complained about this game , even the game had non stop bugs and freezing problems, avatars not working for months now, and avatars is so important to the game. Many times restarted the ps4 because freezing issues. I just did go on and not complaining. But this, I don’t know how I can recover all my lost armors, weapons, and tralls. The only fix here is turn back time and undo the latest update.

Great, a new player lvl15 is now busy to kill my treasure seekers and he not need a weapon to do that… he is just kicking them to dead… amazing

why dont you kill him instead of posting the same thing everywhere?

Bc I have different bases, and he just changes place all the time, event log also not tells something about it… so I must waist my time running and looking for this noob…

sorry to hear that… i guess it’s a bad day for all the relic hunter treasure seekers