We’ve probably all cused about it , barely anyone likes it, its far from immersive anyway and I suspect the only reason to keep it in the game would be to foce players to buy the DLCs for the “right” armor…
What, you mean my Heavy Furs of Inexplicable Aircondition aren’t immersive?
Agreed, temperature effects on armors are a bit off but… what about the lions surviving in the sabana with their thick furred skin?, not sure how immersive that is.
Nope. Pictish bearfurr keeps me cooler than an icestorm… But overheating all the time is a good salesargument for the new DLC, finally offering you armor with the perks and climateresistance you always wanted. Thats just fudged up!
Get rid of it, I’d say. Turn it into armor patting or don’t and make heating and cooling foods actually useful.
Yeah, it would be great if we could apply different paddings to armor to modify temperature resistance.
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