Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]
Since Monday its been Hit or miss Tuesday I had fish.
Today and Monday none.
Replaced all yesterday and had fish.
My beehives keep working after being emptied.
New traps that were never touched are not accumulating fish.
Since those 17 stopped working, I built a few more. They don’t work either.
I even built them in a different body of water in case this river was all fished out.
my fishtraps fills one mal, then i have to pick-up them and replace them again to make them work a second mal. For me at the moment the only way to get my desired fish.
Same problem with the beehives. And often the waterwells. The funny thing with the wells is, that i can replace one, and all wells on my server work again.
yes, i’m sure, because it’s also replicable in SP.
The problem is here in SP and on server.
Look at your traps in a while after you grabed the fish the first mal. When i set up traps, i have still one mal fish in it after a while. But they will never replenish again like intended, for that i have to pick-up them, and replace them at 1m or so in order to make them work again.
And yes, it’s a game with bugs occurring for some and not for others, that’s also a fact.