No funcom coins after aproved transaction!

Hello and have a good evening. I decided to write here in the forums too, because on the site, at “support” nowone answered my emails. My issue is next :

I bought today 3 packs of funcom coins from the online market. First 2 gaved me the funcom coins ok. ( i had 10 coins from older transaction , so after these 2 transactions( 2 x 9.99 $ packs ), i had, i still have actually, 2410 funcom coins )

because i want to buy some expansions and some other items from in the game, i bought another pack, a single pack with 2400 funcom poins , BUT… but the trasaction didn t worked ok, instead it didn t gaved me the 2400 funcom coins i bought. I have all the proofs i did that, and i wrote to the support team on the site, but until now, it’s been like 4-6 hours, nobody answered. What should i do now? I remain lost of those money? ( 19.99 $) .

Thank you for reading and i hope will come to a solution so i can get the funcom coins in my acount, as it should be.

I’m sorry to hear you’ve had trouble with your recent Funcom Points payments. Customer Support can not provide direct payment assistance through the forums, so for now, please wait for a reply to your email ticket. You can feel free to DM me the ticket number if you’d like me to check its status. To DM me, just click on my name and select “Message” on the menu that appears.

Our current email wait times are at least two days for most tickets, so not receiving a reply within 6 hours is normal. We’re working to process everyone’s email requests as quickly as we can, but we do have to help everyone who’s been waiting longer for a reply, first. Your patience and understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.

I cannot find the “dm” button to push when i click on your name. but i understood well what you said. I am considering the wait to my ticket. problem is i wanted to buy more funcom coins, to can buy items from the store but…i have to wait to see the problem solved and then after to do other transactions. i don t want to happen same problem again , although i don t want to lose even those 19.99$ . they re still money, and i paid for a service. service that didn t come, so you understand my frustration. thank you for your answer.

this is all that apears when clicking your name :

ht tps:// ( pls remove the space from between “ht” and “tp”, to can go to the picture link. i put that space because i cannot post links.

As a new user, your level may not be high enough to send DMs yet. I’ll create a message for you so you can send me your ticket number. I’m sorry for the trouble. Again, your patience while we work to process your support request is greatly appreciated.

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It can take up to 4 days for points to appear after the transaction is approved.

The usual excuse they give me is that while the transaction is “approved” they have to “manually verify” or that it’s an issue with a "middleman service’

problem solved. I worked today so, i logged in just late tonight, but i can see the problem is solved i had 4810 coins, so i could buy 2 of the expansions,peobably in the future i ll buy the others two. thank you for your help friends.have a great night

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