No Support = No Subscriptions and Funcom Points

Hey Hyborians!

I’ve been playing for about a week and really enjoying the game for what it’s worth. No one is going to want to subscribe to a game that is not being supported, so let’s look at Funcom Points:

Current Prices:
600 FP = $4.99
1200 FP = $9.99
2400 FP = $19.99
and so on…

After playing awhile, I found myself wanting that 2nd character slot. Well, to get one through Funcom Points, I would have to spend $19.99 to be able to cover the 1500 FP cost. Of course I could just subscribe to get 7 extra character slots (@ $12.99), but then I would have to keep paying to keep them.

I think Funcom would make more $$ if they lowered the character slot cost to 600 FP. Five bucks for a character slot seems reasonable. What do you guys think?

Long Live Age of Conan!

Meanwhile at funcoms aoc section



[quote=“WalterChronic, post:1, topic:260012”]
after playing awhile, I found myself wanting that 2nd character slot. …Of course I could just subscribe to get 7 extra character slots (@ $12.99), but then I would have to keep paying to keep them.[/quote]

OR you could just make another account using a different email address. I’d say most players have gone that route at one time or another due to the character slot restrictions.

Also if you do sub, when your sub ends you don’t really go back to F2p status, but are in a ‘premium’ status. While AoC only lists 2 account types, there is a 3rd for those that have had a sub at one point.

While you wouldn’t get to keep all 7 of those VIP slots, you do keep 3? (it’s been awhile and I’ve earned free character slots in the past so I think it’s 3 as mine now have 5).

you don’t even need a different email address !

Moriala that looks about correct. I’ve been waiting for the first response to a support ticket for about 11 months.

I’m sorry for the wait. We are doing our best to catch up to a mountain of email requests. There is a lot more to go.

Please keep in mind that petitions are answered much more quickly. We can only assist with some account issues through petitions, but please feel free to reach out in this way if there is an urgent concern.

We get access to most content for free. And we can sub to get more at a discount - at only 12.99

Yes we want more events and dlc and all that, but we have to accept it might never happen. So thats it. Acceptance.

AoC will never have exactly what every player wants. But we get PLENTY and enougj content to play for decades (providing you live in the real world and dont play 12hrs a day every day).

MMORPG players, myself included, are extremely SPOILED already. We get sooo much for so little and the complaints keep coming in. Why does no one appreciate anything?

They are keeping AoC live and that is what counts. The more complaints there are the less chance of AoC staying live for a longer period of time.

I wish things were cheaper too but for 12.99 its worth it 1000%. No one should have a problem paying that monthly. If you do, then you are either unemployed and should get a job asap, or you are not living within your means. Both are not Funcom’s fault. I dont want to sound mean but i live in reality.

For a new player the subfee is a great deal to enjoy many hours of content. However I think its fair to let new players know the development and overall support of the game is dead. That can influence the opinion if a sub or not is worth it, regardless of the pricing.

I empathize with the people at funcom working the support. I cant imagine the extent of cutbacks that result in 11 months of waiting time for a email reply. Especially as they changed their policy to only help paying customers nowadays. :no_mouth: I remember playing some year after launch when they had live support chat on the accountpage.