When will the non DLC epic flawless armor be fix so it has two bar cold or heat resistance? It has been broken since the Derketo DLC. This is a serious issue that needs FUNCOM’s attention.
Problem: craft any epic flawless non DLC armor on the improved armorer’s bench it come out with only one bar of heat or cold resistance, instead of two bars. Craft any DLC armor on the improved armorer’s bench it comes out two bars heat or cold resistance. This gives a huge advantage to DLC buyers but the notes say DLC offers no ingame advantage.
one last thing is is possible to allow players the option for resist values?
Here is the thing i do not always want my epic flawless zamorian thief armor to have 2 cars cold resistance.
Would it be possible for the player to select 0,1, 2 bar temperature resistance i would love to wear my thief armor (with its higher armor rating (for epic flawless) in the jungle, but it always comes out with too much cold resistance to all wear in that temperature zone.
There was a great suggestion earlier. the lining determines the resistance value. ie a cold lining and a warm weather lining. Then the player just adds the lining they want to the armor. lining made in the armor’s bench has one bar hot or cold and lining made at the advanced armorer’s bench has two bars hot or cold.