Hey guys. Im new too game although ive been playing a while. I am on a busy server due to my mates playing there. But im a bit slow and dumb when it comes to being a solo player. Yes i know its better in a clan. So my question is are there any good spots to build at that is kinda safe. Got smashed 4 times already in and around Noob area. Im trying to build as small as possible but still have everything in base that i need. Any help on good locations.
What spots have you already used?
Mostly around mountains. Trying to hide in crevices or high behind rocks. Few of good spots in towers already taken. My last one was a hole above silver mine.
Have you tried the Crevice in the Highlands?
Are u talking about that big cave. Yes its already been claimed and destroid. So its a hot spot.
Sorry, was in the middle of a fight.
You could try maybe near the Cursed Wall.
Any where near it. Or specific locations.
Somewhere secluded might be useful. High up maybe. Never worried about PvP threats since I played on single player for the majority of my game time, so I don’t know if that’ll work. But somewhere secluded near the Cursed Wall might be the last place someone looks.
Ok cool. Will check some locations. Thank allot.
It sounds like you are a PvP player are you? In which case as a purely Offline Singleplayer, Im not the best one to help you out with this. You want @Barnes, @zerog or @WhatMightHaveBeen on this one. They are right up there among our best PvPers. Good luck mate.
I still play mostly on PC, but since the PS4 experience is getting so good now, I’m spending more time in the living room these days. PvP on the PS4 is different from on the PC: on an active PC server your buildings generally won’t be touched until you hit 60 even if you build out in the open. On the PS4, you have already figured out the keys – no ground bases, make it small and tidy, and try to hide.
My gameplan all along as a solo has been to put out a mesh of small bases to cover a geographic region. This exposes my stuff to attacks, but the enemy doesn’t know where to hit. On the PC I have built up like never before, yet on the PS4 I hide and robin hood if possible.
If you want to be “in it.” Two places of advantage: A. Look for Crowngrove. (Map Grid A-B, 8-9) There are very tall trees there, and this place is strategically excellent because of the tall finger rock structures. Plus there aren’t many resources that might draw other players. B. Get behind a waterfall. There’s a big, beautiful cave behind the falls in grid H5. This places you close to a lot of assets, but it’s a ground base/cave with inherent vulnerabilities. It’s still a great hiding spot if you’re willing to get built up around the area, and cap off the cave with a giant structure on the front.
But if you really want to make it trap-door style, take noob river east to the jungle. Head north until you hit the green wall. Head east and west along the wall until you find a niche or hole or hidden built-up spot to accommodate a 3x3 or smaller. Do another one out southeast of Buccaneer Bay (the eastern green wall), and again, press into the wall if possible. Put a bed in one and bedroll in another, suicide to them for maintenance tasks so that you can’t be followed.
WhatMightHaveBeen has an excellent plan, full stop. I hope he shares some of it with you.
Glad to see you’re fighting on!
Thanks allot guys. Yes ive been hit so many times i dont know if im coming or going. I understand its easyer with mates or in a clan. But i wanna get to the top by my self. I wanna do the grind and play every aspect of the leveling up. But yes at moment its a very busy server. But ill look into these locations and advice.
There are a few videos on YT about best places to build in PVP.
I’ve always played online PVE (I find PVP too stressful) but from my experience in other games, the best spot is the one that can’t be seen, so avoid the places shown in the videos
You are a solo player but maybe consider talking with other players for protections (maybe paying for that): consider that usually there are not many people playing PVP so official servers are not that full.
If someone keeps attacking you, consider asking for help to other players, they may consider worth it to protect a newbie instead of loseìing a player.
(Sorry for my bad english but I find it difficult to explain certain things in a language that’s not my first one )
Also, @SirDaveWolf is another skilled PvPer within the community who can offer good advice on said mode of play. Good luck Exile.
You will never be able to avoid a raid no matter where you build or how well you think your base is hidden, people will find you and raid you. Want to survive? Build smart with stash spots so when you get raided they find nothing except what you want them to find.
If you are building small to stay “off the grid”, then always stay out of high traffic areas. the more you have to climb/run to your base from an obbie, the more likely others aren’t going to do an accidenatl pas by.
If you think you were found, time to move.
3x3x2 is the biggest you ill need to be. Don’t worry about layers of walls, as if a clan is going to offline a solo who doesn’t have time to build 10 wall thick castles, 2 walls is not much better than 1.
If you try, you get everything in that 3x3. Be surprised what stacks ontop of each other:)
Don’t worry about amassing an army of thrall fighters. Concentrate on crafters in this order for named priority
Relic Hunter (get flawless epic heavy asap on them, 1100 armor rating)—Helps in farming dungeons, which give great loot as you run them for extras. Plus, can bail you out of a lot of ganks with NPCS mobs.
Alchemist–you will need dragon powder for star metal
Armorer–+9 atts and highest tiered armors
Taskmaster–once you get one, you will be flipping the thralls you do find in hours.
All others can be T2 and above. Named Black smith is really not needed once you have a relic hunter fighter to run dungeons for legendaries.
Always have the mats for the next base for when you do need to uproot asap.
Learn the midnight alchemist. The potion for the dungeon acts as a map room of sorts. It will port you the midnight grove, then take the exit to Sep. someone always has a map room around there. Or you can place one between there and the brimstone obbie for the “community” yourself.
Run this as your farming build
Str 30
Agi 10
Vitality 30
Acc 0
Grit 20
Encumberance 31 (use the light flawless epic enc armor to get to 40)
Surv 3
Take your thrall use him to put heaviest 5 stacks of any resource outside of consumables. That is 5000 iron, 5000 stone, 5000 wood, or 2500 Black ice. The trick is to arm the weapon to free the 5th spot. With that on them and what you can carry at 4 enc perk will allow you to stay in a defensable build and farm enough for one person.
finally the biggest…If you have a mic always join or start a private party to get out of game chat. Be surprised how many people don’t mute and are in game, giving away hidden locations while they craft just from back ground noise at home.
Wow. Awsome. Thank you so much for that.
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