Not a wise company plan

Hey there,

Please read [PC] Conan Exiles Bug Report Guidelines

You will not receive any replies when using the in-game crash report tool (nor do any in-game features ask for contact details). These issues will be investigated directly by the team, but may need additional reports from other players to be properly fixed.

This has since been changed, but may need additional tweaking in general.

This user has replied with some possible solutions. You should try them out asap and reply in the future, so the developers and community knows whether the issue is resolved. This also narrows down if it’s an update-specific issue.

Be sure to check back on your threads. You should also get notifications for them (click your profile picture in the top right menu). If you want to be notified of all replies, make sure the :bell: notification option under the scroll bar next to the thread, or all the way at the bottom of the thread, is set to Watching.

Make sure you’re posting in the appropriate subforum. If it posts in the wrong subforum, you can click the :pencil2: Edit button under your message and move it to the correct subforum.

Try searching the forums if there’s already a post on an issue. If so, you should comment there instead. This will help collect all the relevant information in one place.

If you try to follow these guidelines, the developers and community will be able to identify your issue more easily and you will hopefully get a reply from someone on the Community team, which are employees who can forward your issue to the developers.

If any of your issues persist, feel free to post a new thread. It can be helpful to link the old threads you posted on the issue as well. You can find them by clicking on your profile picture and then on your name to go to your profile, where they are under the Activity tab. Keep in mind, ones which are not :lock: (automatically) closed can still be replied to.

Furthermore, some issues aren’t (only) caused by the game, but (also) by outdated, malfunctioning or corrupt software or hardware. These issues can often be fixed by installing the latest drivers and searching for solutions online. If you’ve tried everything, you can always go to a pc store for these kind of issues.