Number one game issue fixed?

Freaking number one issue for most everyone on most servers

But hey, now gazelles flee danger, that was really ruining my game there, I was about to quit over it.


Still can’t repair redeemed legion armor, saw no reason to check anything else.
Some one else can check the rest i have no energy to fact check funcom.

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Except it’s NOT just foundations. It’s literally all building pieces now. I rarely use foundations and prefer to use ceilings. @AndyB @den if you guys are going into this thinking you’re going to only fix foundations, you’re looking at the wrong thing.


No they are referring to the nemedian foundation crisis that happened (last year?) The say its all building pieces but acknowledge there is far more going on in foundations so a quick fix isn’t possible without a nemedian crisis repeat.


But hey, now gazelles flee danger, that was really ruining my game there, I was about to quit over it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


This is so frustrating.


Yeah, I’m aware… I just don’t want them going “so we fixed foundations!” and I’m still falling through my base because I refuse to use them. In fact, after that whole fiasco, I removed as many foundations in my bases as possible. I’ve also gutted my bases below the flooring and added doors and stuff so I can retrieve my thralls easier. I just spent the last better part of an hour collecting them all.


they would take a look at purge exploits and thrall killing with spawn bug

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No, but holy fvck am I glad they fixed the inventory.

Not dropping half of it just to drop some piece of spoiled meat is appreciated.

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I can’t see it been hard for them to fix the twitch drop item that people use to get eldarium on EL either but I wasn’t even shocked when it wasn’t in the patch notes . Guess that one still works too :woman_facepalming:


I get this is a crude attempt at humor, but I wonder if it’s as painfully evident to the author as it is to the reader how badly this misses the mark.

Honestly, this reads like an Ark player complaining. “Let’s compare something complicated to something that requires a simple flee switch and then somehow use satire to try and make a point about developers being clueless and stuff!”

And I wanna be clear here – I’m not insulting the author. This would be wince-inducing no matter who wrote it.

There’s effective complaining, and then there’s whining for the sake of willful ignorance. This thread was very clearly started as the latter, and offers absolutely no utility outside of frustrated venting.

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How do you suggest we offer feedback?


i guess you could write it on your toilet paper before you use it. funcom won’t read it anyways…

as stated so well above, this is just… frustrating.


There is no “best” in life, but a much more effective solution is to discuss the issue rather than the people that may or may not be behind and issue. Let’s take this issue as an example.

Good example of feedback:

"I hope the build piece glitches are the top priority right now. This is the #1 problem I am having with this game, and it’s come close several times to preventing me from playing – in some cases, it actually has and I’ve cut my session short because of the frustration of having to pick thralls out of foundations or try and wiggle myself out of similar situations without pulling the bracelet (a devastating workaround on Siptah, might I add, since we have to chase down more sigils after).

Please provide regular updates on this issue. Once a week minimum would be outstanding. If nothing else, the peace of mind can help greatly in weathering the valleys of frustration until this work is completed."

For a bad example, see the first post of this thread.

I am sorry if the notice was misleading - this issue is most commonly reported and spoken about as falling through foundations and figured that was the easiest way for everyone to understand what we’re talking about. We are aware it’s more than just foundations. As erjoh said I am referring to the Nemedian Foundation incident and we’d like to avoid anything even remotely similar to that again.

Will look into this.

The most effective way to offer constructive criticism or feedback is to simply be objective about what the issue is and how it affects you. When you’re frustrated, it’s easy to backload insults or sarcastic comments into your feedback which we can understand, but can make it more difficult to distill what the actual problem is. In this case, I can gather OP is frustrated by a serious issue affecting them not being resolved yet, but relatively minor issues inconsequential to them were. Perhaps it was my error to try and inject some humor into the patch notes, and I apologize if this conveyed a sort of flippant attitude about more serious issues. In return, we have to stress that not all bugs are created equal and different issues may take differing amounts of time and people to solve depending on complexity. Gazelles obeying fear rules is not complex. Figuring out the root cause and a safe solution for characters falling through the ground is far more complex.

I promise we do :frowning:


You do realize this has already been done regarding this bug and many others?

This post is borne of frustration from lack of communication, QA and repeated updates.

Brand loyalty is failing.

Long has gone understanding. We already went through acquiescence. Diplomacy and polite begging does not work here.

I appreciate your call but it is very tone deaf.


Right, but feedback alone won’t Thanos-snap a bug out of existence. It’d be SUPER nice if it did that, but all it’s gonna do is let the developers know what’s a priority.

They already know it’s a priority given the regular updates. There’s not much more feedback can accomplish for this particular issue.

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a superior method of communicating feedback.

Thanks for replying Andy. I wish you could do this more. Communication with us is so important and I think a lot feel like they’re being ignored.

I think most are just so frustrated with the state of everything, understandably so.


Thanks for the confirmation, Andy. I was well aware of the reference you made, and I appreciated your willingness to take responsibility for the error in the past. I merely wanted to bring to light the gravity of the situation being beyond the usual since, admittedly, my base building is NOT the usual. I don’t like using foundations, and quite frankly, would love to see fence foundations included with every build set. Thank you for confirming and acknowledging my frustrations.

PS: a fence foundation pack in the bazaar would be appreciated (preferably for a reasonable price). :face_with_peeking_eye:


This was very good! :smiley: Just one note, if I can:

– Avoid speaking for others unless concretely authorized to do so (for example, a PR rep for a group, leader of a community that has arrived at a solid consensus, etc.), because it can be highly distracting from an author’s points.

We ALWAYS speak for ourselves though, so never stop doing that. XD