Official Offline Raid Protection?

Hi everyone,

So does anyone else think this games PvP modes could benefit significantly if we were to see the introduction of Offline Raid Protection of some or all PvP servers?


Currently offline raiding for me and others I know is a barrier preventing me from playing PvP more. When logging on we could build a base and while online very rarely see any PvP, quite similar to PvE-C gameplay.

However when we relog one day everything will be wiped while we also had no PvP (which is what we find most fun), resulting in PvE type gameplay which we do not find fun.


So I suggest a solution:

The current time requirements have an 5 Hours straight PvP window in which is near impossible for anyone with time commitments to work etc. to cover per day.

In addition to this, the PvP window when not covered online results in what I’d like to call PvW gameplay, which is more like Player vs Wall.


This is why I would suggest more flexibility in the times through an implementation of Offline Raid Protections.

This would come in the form of, 24/7 PvP & destruction while online, with offline protections. Provided that the players meet an hour requirement to prevent exploitation of Offline Raid Protection (i.e logging in to reset the timer etc) and to provide an raid-able hours.

(Introduce hour requirement per weeks to qualify for offline raid protection; with perhaps an dmg resistance for fortifications if not meeting it until 2-3 weeks, to help bring other players into and back to PvP)

What do you think?, please feel free to let me know below! :slight_smile:


Hmm. There must be a reason why past attempts have either failed or are inconsistent. That 24/7 pvp is something that needs attention. It could be on for officials, but if you want players of all ages, then 8/7 is okay. (Not sayin better)

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As far as I know I haven’t seen us ever have Offline Raid Protection for Officials, you make a valid point on the reasons for why we haven’t seen it yet.

Perhaps it could be due to exploitation of basic implementations of it?

I’d love to be able to engage in PvP defending or even be online when my base is being blown to pieces :smiley:

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I would say that for PVP, DBD-On and 24 Hour raiding be on is the best way. When you’re online, you’re PVPing. When you’re not online, you’re not.

For PVE-C, player damage needs to be on 24 hours. If you’re online, you prepare for a fight. But you don’t have to worry about losing buildings and such.

If I offered either server, that’s how my settings would be. Funcom is not me, and Funcom offers servers with the settings -THEY- want to offer. That’s the issue you have to overcome. Its not about what is objectively better. It has to do with the sort of servers an owner wishes to offer. That’s been their stance on this for a while.


Question is - there’s no real incentive for neither PVP nor PVOfflined-Bases.

PVP, as a winner you gain a little bit of fun and that’s about it. What do you get from your enemy? Same gear that you can easily grind in PVE.

PVOfflined-Bases, as the raider you basically exchange your dragonpowder for your enemy’s building materials, which you can also gain from boring PVE.

If there’s a special reward, say, a true legendary Sword of Crom with 120 damage after I have claimed 10 heads, I will go PVP everyday. But there isn’t.
So why tf do we fight?

Besides, aren’t we the exiles supposed to gather 6 artifacts and forge the keystone and break the bracelet and leave this cursed land? And why are we not leaving but instead staying here for months fighting each other? What does the game want players to do exactly?

Offline raid protection is dumb. Funcom solved this issue with configurable raid times which is a brilliant solution. Just find a private server that fits for your commitments. Alternatively join a bigger clan so you have coverage. This is not a problem (I have been offlined loads) and its a part of the game. Just don’t get attached to your stuff and have fun.

I think people dont really know what Offical Servers are for, and in what conditions they are offered.

I think people gotta understand what that means.

And the message clearer could not be conveyed: If you want a server cared for, which suits specific needs or look for “carebearing”, you should, to use their words: “Conan Exiles does not offer MMO-Like in-game support, and as such we won’t be able to refund
or return any loss of materials, inventories or any kind of in-game property caused by admin
intervention, infractions or other losses caused by gameplay.”

Like it must be said about many things in these forums:
“Conan Exiles is not WoW.”

I guess you could say your objective is to survive and your reward is living and continuing to do so under stronger circumstances.

Perhaps rewards could be considerable for specific goals, not even necessarily PvP related ones. As PvP should occur without external incentive in the end.

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I’d also say its important to note; While Private servers are great, I know many who would take issue with playing them over public and don’t mind resets or setbacks provided they are on official servers.

While configureable raid times are a solution, to accept that the officials are flawed in this way therefore privates are the way to go would be complacency on the developers side.

I can say that I and others would want open and engaging PvP. The current official servers do not provide this, hence the suggestion.

Currently it seems server settings are limiting the player-base and the engagement of PvP without having any visible upside.

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Sadly I think you may have posted in the wrong topic as this doesn’t help any of this discussion?

The terms and conditions state a more than understandable technical limitation which is in no ones interest to change at the current moment; at least not in this discussion.

I’ve been a long time DBD supporter. 7k hours primarily Official PVP on PC. I’ve seen it all.

I’ve done the babysitting base thing, taking turns with my clan. It sucks. You could be a full server and it doesn’t mean you will raid or be raided on any given day. Of course many players are opportunists as well, they are either afraid or lazy to combat you while you’re online so will wait until you’re not. So you can’t really take a night off with your family or even with your clan to watch a movie or play another game. It is like a job.

My clan would play D&D virtually on a specific day every week. At least 1 of us had the game running in the background and checking logs every so often to ensure if we were being raided we could act. Exhausting.

Players are very inventive and will absolutely exploit DBD if implemented with set raid times. So 24/7 raid is a simple solution - my only ask with that is that DBD becomes immediate upon disconnection - perhaps under certain circumstances.

We need to also consider that the server list and in game PVP time is not clear. I’ve run into so many playing on NA servers thinking they want to try PVP out and have commitments. Like their job that is during raid time. Unless you load into a server and test, or, speak to others, you wouldn’t actually know the raid time.

Anyway, keep in mind with topics like this that are centered around Official gameplay you’re going to get opinions from anyone. Including those that do not play on Official. Take each with a grain of salt. They may have played there before but do not necessarily know the state of it now.

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If you’re going to make a point at the very least make sure you back it up with the current Terms of Conduct, Guidelines and Procedures.

That PDF is many years old and no longer in effect.

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Thank you for this reply, I’ve had nowhere near the same level ingame time experience on this so your insight onto this topic is very helpful :slight_smile:

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That is exactly it does.
And the “Terms of conduct, guidelines and procedures is ANOTHER thing”.

ToC, Guidelines, and Procedures tell you how to behave and how ■■■■■■ enforces the rules.

What I showed, and if you are not a person who saw your first document online “yesterday”, you might know the contents of a legal document, specially when it deals with business, it often decades old all the time. They have some updates here and there, but the content remains pretty much align with laws and regulations that are also decades old.
Some of the things you see written in virtually any of there terms you see in games that were launched “yesterday” are verbatim what law states they should be since the 1950s or 1960s.

Anyway, what I showed is indeed to be old, but the statement regarding the fact that Official Servers are not meant to:

  • Ensure your property stays safe
  • Enforce your property right
  • Carebear your game so your base, your character or your belongings are secured

And still mentions that Conan Exiles official servers have no MMO style support.

If you are not a functional illiterate, you would know that it is a pattern, suggesting that they are not making it to be a safe heaven for your things.
It will never be.
This requires resources, people and time directed towards keeping things under control. To do that, they need make the system, and watch it works, and have people to fix when it does not. That is why they dont, and they never will.

Your replies make me think you are not replying in good faith. “Carebearing” is not what even close to what we are aiming for nor describing.

We understand the page and link you stated previously and are not looking for MMO type support or safe haven as you keep stating. The document doesn’t aid the discussion sadly.

I am looking for well balanced and satisfying gameplay solutions to benefit as many players as well as Funcom as I can.

If not in good faith, I’d you urge to either move on or add something constructive.

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Try not to be condescending. Considering you’re sharing one of the first iterations of the ToC and not the current one.

It doesn’t. Because you did not read the current, updated, iteration of the ToC. You provided an outdated document to support your case which is moot.

They can’t state this anymore since Conan Exiles is now a Live Service game. Of course they have not implemented proper support but regardless, that is not what Funcom now states for Official gameplay. Be honest.

This document is basically the ToC before the 2021 revamp.

You have been entirely disingenuous in all of this.

Don’t you make mods and play on Private servers? Why do you care about Official gameplay or if Official players request DBD?

I don’t think you know what “carebearing” means or how insulting you’re being (I mean, if you wanted to refer to me as unintelligent and illiterate, you could have just replied to me directly - but oh the irony).


I won’t speak for Korg’s definition here. But I would ask the question in general, are you sure about that?

When I ask that question it isn’t to use the term ‘carebear’ in a derogatory or diminutive sense here. But in the definition for the topic I’m discussing it will mean to be able to pick and choose when one PVPs, or more specifically, when someone’s building can be damaged.

When people discuss DBD, the topic is usually about a mechanic that only enables building damage for someone who is logged in and for a certain time after they log off. The idea is that they no longer have to log in every 5 hour time frame to protect their base. Freeing up days for personal reasons without fear of losing a base if they happen to miss a window or two.

Is that what everyone means when they discuss the topic? Well no.

I have played with offline protection before in a few other games, and it is one of the most exploited things if there isn’t active admins to enforce people not exploiting it. Since CE has no MMO-Style moderation. Active moderation from admins against those exploiting DBD is not possible or feasible.

There has been no indication from the community as a whole that they would NOT mind the exploitation. Usually because they are ignorant of how prevalent it would be. Funcom knows, and it is for that reason they don’t even want to bother with it. And they know the discontent among its PVP players on its servers would have when those exploits are used to the point it becomes normal play.

There’s two major exploits. And the severity of each one depends on the setting for how long DBD takes to kick in.

If the setting is too short, then the exploit would be that when under attack from a force a side can’t, or doesn’t want to bother with, they simply log off. DBD kicks in and they stop the attack with minimal damage.

If the setting is too long, then the exploit is the attackers waiting for a single person to login or wait for a majority of their target’s clan to log off and launch a single focused attack to do as much damage as possible in the allotted time.

If the setting is inbetween, you get a bit of both. Those with larger defenses, thicker walls, can get away with the setting not being as short but achieving the same results. Those new to a server get screwed, many times after their first log off.

DBD helps the larger more established clans far more than it helps the solo player or the new player. In fact its so disproportionate that the latter can do very little (compared to now). It also introduces the problem PVE and PVE-C servers have with serial refreshing, as a player who takes up a choice area only needs to login once every 10 days during slow times. Requiring very vigilant and almost batphone style readiness to make an attack.

In every sense where I’ve seen offline protection there is an active presence of admins and rules that punish players who log off mid raid to avoid being damaged. Those who use overwhelming odds on someone who just logged in and are by themselves. As well as against those who don’t play regularly and only refresh, having their builds admin deleted if they aren’t actively playing. None of these measures are available on FC’s servers. But they are required for DBD enhanced play to be able to follow the spirit of its inclusion.

Without that, the new meta begins to revolve around DBD and then you find yourself playing at weird times to avoid being attacked by coordinated groups, and cutting playtimes short because you see a potential build up happening. I’m not saying this is better or worse. But it is ‘different’ and different enough that players are going to have issues with it.

So in the definition I gave earlier about carebearing. Are you entirely fine with a 10 man clan (or two if a group is split between multiple clans) sitting outside your base and just foundation wiping you as you load in? Are you fine with a raid of your own getting cut short because the defender couldn’t be arsed to deal with you and simply logged out 5-10 minutes ago? Are you fine with someone picking up a spot you might like and sitting on it for months or years without actually playing and you can’t use PVP to take it without having someone online 24/7 to determine their login pattern?

If the answer is no to any of those questions, then yeah its kinda of carebearing in this sense. You and everyone else on those servers need to be willing to accept those new issues. As well as convincing Funcom you’ve accepted them and won’t make frivolous reports when someone gets raided right after they logged off and they come back in the game naked in the desert.

This is why I’m hoping to have discussion here, finding solutions to the issue at hand. Clearly as you have shown the basic implementation of offline raiding is likely not enough.

So i’m proposing we take it a step further and implement something less exploitable. The problems listed are almost all solve-able without direct admin intervention.

I would still disagree on this falling into the category “carebearing” though as ideally we would want as much PvP gameplay as possible therefore most conflict and best balance for gameplay.

Current gameplay would protect others from direct conflict more than our idea/proposed solution.

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