PvE griefing should never be allowed. If you want to allow it in any form, make it PvP - that’s what PvP is for!
When players behave like they are on a PvP server, by exploiting mechanics and rules to “attack” players then that should be instantly punished.
Players choose to play PvP on PvP servers, they enjoy that aspect, and good for them.
Players who wish to remain PvE should have the choice to keep it that way, not have griefers ruin it because they’re too scared to go on PvP, but instead attack those who do not wish to PvP.
By attack i mean, blocking resources, kiting bosses to other players bases which then kill all the thralls/destroy structures, building around a player base to effectively stop them building.
It’s so easy to say “oh you can do the same to them”
But why the hell should they?
it sends out the wrong message, that you should always take the law into your own hands.
Also, the griefers usually have much more time and resources to do the griefing, and the victims usually play much less so an “eye for an eye” response simply is not practical.
Finally, the griefers dont care. You can retaliate all day, play their game, that’s what they want in the first place - take you away from playing the game your way, how you want - forcing you to do what they want, this is the victory the seek.
Bans for repeated griefing should be bare minimum, starting off with a warning, and if continued, a short ban of 24-48 hours.
If still offending, reset the account of the offender - level 1 and take away all buildings/items - basically a character wipe.
Finally if they continue, permanent ban of Steam account (on PC).
I honestly do not see how hard this is to sort out, ensure there are reporting tools, that require evidence - chat logs, screen shots, multiple player reports (if admin receive at least 5 separate complaints, automatically trigger investigation/warning to the offending player).
I don’t want to patronise anyone here, it’s really simple for an adult to show some kind of responsibility and take charge of this side of the game - show the players you care, and that griefing will not be tolerated.
FUNCOM i challenge you to make a difference - even if that means employing player admins on a server if you cannot spare your own staff!!
Abuse of power again will be dealt with by removal of powers - and/or further punishment according to the seriousness of offence.