I have video proof that just looking at the base from any direction on the outside towards the center is causing insane FPS drops. I counted how many squares the outside wall takes up alone, and it’s a 125x125+ foundations with fence pieces all the way up to make up the wall.
i talk about spawning point, because the way the game is coded, any spawn near even a little base with placeables will create a short peak lag, more there is building piece/placeable more there is a longer peak lag time.
if you play on pve i can understand this is a problem, if you play on pvp just farm 2 gods and there will be no more base, the one who build it invested lot of time to do it, so on a pvp server i think any players can invest few hours to farm what needed to nuke it, it will still be 100 time less than to build it. because reporting for decaying is not playing a game, and it’s scorch earth policy
sure dead game policy
So create your own server on your PC. You don’t need to rent one from G-Portal.
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