I started playing this game 2 weeks ago on official pve server. Started getting griefed hard soon after (walls with spikes all around my base, foundations and pillars all around to block resources and spawns, bringing purges to our base) Been sending emails to zendesk support since a week ago with all information, screenshots and videos but still no answer. In their latest antic they built a tall tower with a hole in the middle right beside my base, in which i fell into. So now I can’t play anymore until (if) someone decides to act on the report. Request (74536) if game mods can see this.
They are unmoderated aside from some of the things you mentioned above.
So there are no mods or admins patrolling there, but if people are doing landclaim abuse, blocking resources etc, then they do get wiped and banned through Zendesk reporting like you just did. That’s the process though, there is nothing anyone can do about that here on the forums, it’s just waiting for Zendesk.
Yeah, if someone is doing landclaim abuse, you should report them. If found guilty, their clan will have all their buildings deleted.
If you are trapped, remove your bracelet from the main menu which kills your character, and respawn. (you will lose only what you were carrying) You will always have the option to spawn at the desert, even if you have no beds.
It can take a week or more for action to be taken for anything reported to Zendesk. I’ve seen them act in as little as a day but with the mountain of reports they’ve been receiving for other things, legitimate land claim issues can take awhile.
Ensure that you’re not creating new tickets as this can make their jobs a bit harder in respect to time. Replying to the email you’ve received is best.
But yes, the official servers are unmoderated and the only way to get action is to report.
The difference in PVE vs. PVP is you’d be able to at least destroy their build to get out.
If i were you i would go to another sever. One that is not abusive. There are many out there.
Plenty of a holes out there.
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