Okay...Is it me or did they Nerf Demon Blood?

So you want all the time people wasted farming it to be wasted, and you want all the time people spend farming the Annihilator to be wasted too? Do you really think most people will stick around and waste time farming whatever the next “OP” sword after the Annihilator is, knowing it will just eventually be nerfed as well?

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I think people have been burned so much they’re probably going to zip their lips around certain indiscreet YouTubers. The next big thing is out there, gang, and I’m not telling anybody but my closest pals.

Except about the Demon Blood. Run through Sandscour Pass regularly and look in your rearview for a Rocknose with xenon headlights. He has a bunch of demon blood too.


Listen to Barnesie, river life is where it’s at right now. Set up a shack, grab a bunch of hatchlings, kill Elite crocs all day long. A man could grow old and never age. :palm_tree::crocodile::blossom:


Life is better down where it’s wetter.

Giant snakes, gorrillas, and birds spawn all the time in the jungle.

Also, is the Black Yeti still a guaranteed spawn in the North? Isn’t he packed full of the stuff?

The inference to me is they’ve set up harvest loops in various amorphous portions of the map. This new server has sort of proven it to me, and I’ve only worked three “areas” so far. That might necessitate the reduction of DB in other areas, but as far as the OP: demon blood has in recent memory always been scarce from undead shalebacks in Shaleback Hollow.

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I thought it was age but never grow old…

Maybe the Barrow king? According to the wikia he also drops much demon blood. But could be outdated…

Maybe in the meatworld. :smiley:

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Even if water orbs “did” remove the acid and even at the current conversion of materials they are still just a griefers tool. They still cost less time to farm than the armor they destroy.

If you can water orb them great, now you have to sit around and water orb your thralls that can be sniped. If you don’t you have to farm 3x more than the person using the arrows assuming you’re able to repair the armor and don’t lose it while your thrall is being sniped.

The other “nerf” around them you fail to mention is the fact they could be used outside of the PVP window to effectively offline raid thralls.

Best way to get demon blood, ichor, (or any fluid) is to harvest with a hatchet. Pickaxe doesn’t get as much and the other tools only get it as a side product. Like how a skinning knife might get 2-3 meat but gets 20-30 hide.

Use a Hatchet.

Yesterday was just trying to get the emedian and killed the spider there 2-3 times. But got 70-100 demon blood.
So kill bosses and you farm plenty of it as byproduct.

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they’ve had crap in the loot pool for ages. Skeleton key bosses aren’t even worth killing because the only decent weapon in those chests is blade of the adventurer. Crom sword was in fact meant to be a gimmick though, thralls weren’t supposed to be able to bypass its stamina perk. Maybe other legendaries should get a buff instead of everybody crying about the gimmick sword that is now actually a gimmick

Agreed. The 1% bonus armor pen legendaries, alongside the durability and stamina usage legendaries, should be the first to get reworked/buffed. They aren’t legendary at all lol

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Agree too. I don’t understand what people posting in this forum see in legendary weapons. For myself I’ll always prefer weapons I can craft at the advanced blacksmith bench and be able to repair easily at 100%, to weapon I must be lucky to find and I’ll need legendary repair kit to repair not at 100%. Something about reliability and easiness of access I think.

For the Attribute bonuses, occasionally for the lighting effects because Forgelight looks so cool on a thrall fighting by the moonlight. I use Black Bruargh to get my AGI up for sprinting, Axe of the Lion for Strength. Akhbitanan Shield with no bonuses has a durability of 15000 so I keep it for thralling. Just stand behind it and let my duders do the conking.

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That’s why I am making the suggestion about letting us dismantle useless legendaries into repair kits so that we have a reliable way to repair them.

For me, it’s the fact that Glimmermoon is the one light-source I can depend upon while dragging a thrall at night when I forget my night-vision mask at home. Similarly, Forgelight on my follower is a big help in dungeons.

Personally, I’d like it if they drastically cut down on all the trap/joke weapons and actually reworked some to have unique qualities of their own. For instance, what if El’s drinker repaired itself when it caused bleed? What if you could sprint for 2 seconds with Vaulting Pole and then combo a heavy attack with a jump to perform a double-jump?

Also, might be cool to rethink the weapons made at the T3 altars. Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone bother using them; mine are all wall-hangers.

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As you get legendaries way to easy, they have to add bulsht items.

Or the chests behave like UC bosses. You MAY get a legendary, but you get FoP and legendary weapon/armor kit (or only one of the kits, If you get no weapon/shield).

About t3 Altar weapon: mitra spear was good, until the nerf hit it. And arent the beastial claws kinda strong?

The Bestial Claws are, but that’s a separate drop from The Den, I believe. Last I read, the ones from the JS altar still have a decay timer on them. :man_shrugging:

My bad, I meant the Claws of Jhebbal Sag.

But yeah, this one have decay timer. But have 0 repair costs.