Okay...Is it me or did they Nerf Demon Blood?

It’s not about the games. It’s about the fact that balance decision should be based on the part/mode of the game, where skill level is the highest. Given the devs want competitiveness.

And PvP in Conan is where the most skill is required to compete.

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No, the type of game makes a massive difference in what you should balance around.

Of course it does. But each game defines it’s own skill level. But my point was not about the type of game.

How often do I have to repeat myself until you get it…

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The game type defines it, not the skill level.

Starcraft drops you in a map with the one goal of beating your opponent. Once you beat your opponent the match ends and you exit the map. Nothing persists beyond the end of the match, and when you play again, you start from scratch.

So with that in mind, Starcraft should without a doubt balance around the competitive level.

CE isn’t like that. You have no real goal set by the game. The closest thing you have to an overarching goal set by the game is to leave the exiled lands by removing your bracelet, and the that entire goal can be achieved without fighting another player. Even if you do fight another player, anything left at the end of the fight continues to persist in the world, and people can play the entire game in multiplayer servers with no PVP at all.

High level Conan takes place on private PvP servers that wipe periodically, like for example every month.

In PvP you have a goal: destroy your enemy.

In PvE the goal is to farm/collect and pretty build. You just kill computer controlled units. AI in this game is limited and defines the skill level required to kill it (which is very low). I could record a video on how I kill the unnamed city dragon just with kicking without dieing. But this would make a long video.

As a PvE player you might say now: “The kick is too weak! It should do more damage!” So if Funcom would buff the damage of the kick to make killing Dragons faster, it would affect PvP. Heavily. Since with the proper tactic you can stunlock your enemy with kicking if done right (animation cancel + enemy out of stamina or trapped). And if you would buff the kicking damage, it would become OP, since you’d kill your opponent before you run out of stamina or the enemy escapes or regains stamina.


What are you harvesting with? I’ve noticed the skinning knife yields zero to maybe a couple while pickaxe seems to have the highest chance of obtaining it and is usually 10-20 when it does.

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Axes are the best for demon blood.

@SirDaveWolf See my new topic. I think you’ll be able to relate https://forums.funcom.com/t/buffs-nerfs-for-nerf-modes-only/80386

Go get the lion king , in the Savannah use best axe.

Haven’t noticed any nerfing here. Plenty of demon blood from a variety of sources.

Did you ever saw a Thread based on PvE calling for buffs?

Most threads are nerfs, not buffs, and most are from PvP and maybe PvE-C.
Like the bloodlife spear or sword of crom at thralls…

No, it never seems to be specific and that’s the problem. I see the players that play those modes make the requests. PvP players don’t want nerfs or buffs. They want the ability to make all out war.

If you don’t want War - Stay off PvP. Period. #NoNerfPvP

It’s people playing PvP that have no business playing PvP. Again, if you don’t want to be attacked by other live players, don’t play PvP. It’s truly that simple.

The Lifeblood Spear was a horrible gimmick in the first place. It is a lousy spear and took up space in inventory that could be used for a far better weapon or tool or even foods.

You’re far better off with some Aloe Soup or a power combo that does more than just heal you. EG: Aloe Soup and Ice Tea. Talk about a speed recovery plus food and water replenishment. Hell, most of the good cooking recipes will heal you faster and better than the Lifeblood spear ever would.

The Sword of Crom nerf I can’t explain. Yup, I’ve been killed by it many times. Mostly because I didn’t know the thrall had it. However, it was only a problem when you came across it in a melee situation. Say you’re out farming or just out running the map and you come across your enemy (during raid time of course). You’re most likely already out gunned as you’re not set up to fight, especially a prolonged one. You hit your enemy and bam - Crom slices you in half. OUCH! It sucked but it is part of the game and that player worked his / her butt off to get it. I never had a problem with Crom. However, with the introduction of the new arrows and (which cry babies have already gotten nerfed) that Sword would still have been a tough opponent but they’ve added something you can fight back with.

THAT is what true balance is. Not nerfing or buffing. Balance is achieved by creating a counter balance not by weakening or strengthening a side.


LOL, PVP players are the first people to call for nerfs. Sword of Crom? PVPers asking for it nerfed. Spears in general? PVPers asking for it nerfed. Life Blood Spear? PVPers asking for it nerfed. Red Mother Bow? PVPers are asking for it to be nerfed.

And on and on and on.

The only nerf in the bunch that was even reasonable was the acid arrows nerf. They were way overpowered for their cost and their lack of a counter balance.

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Again, those players are playing the wrong mode. If they’re asking for nerfs, they’re playing the wrong mode and developers need to start taking that into consideration.

“oh the sword of crom is too OP” - Developer: Play PvE

A true PvP player is not going to ask for nerfs or buffs. They may ask for balance (see my balance thread) but nerfs and buff requests are from players that are clearly playing the wrong game mode for their style of play.

And no, Acid Arrows was not a good nerf. That achieved nothing. I’ll just make more arrows. All that it needed was a counterbalance. Though, I think it might already exist. I’ll have to test it, but water orbs should neutralize the effects. If this is the case, the nerfing was 100% a waste of time and simply window dressing and pandering to few loud voices.

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New guy. It’s always been like this. From EA forward, Conan Exiles is OUR baby as well. We get a say when there’s something wrong, that’s part of the deal.

I don’t know where or what you’ve been playing, but this is highly inaccurate. I reference GTA Online and Red Dead Redemption 2 Online. Nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf-nerf, and nerf. All player-driven.

Sorry, but you seem to be the minority in CE PVP, not them.

Nerfs and buffs are balancing mechanics. You have a balance/scale with two rocks on either side. The scale is still tipped to the side, say the left. You can buff the rocks on the right by adding more rocks to that side, or you can nerf the rocks on the left by removing one of the two rocks. The end goal is to keep doing this back and forth until the scale is close to level as possible.

The problem with Funcom’s balancing act is they just knock all the rocks off the left side, place a feather in their place, and call it solved.

I didn’t say it was. I just said they needed adjusting. The arrows needed adjusting because they weren’t supposed to be an end all be all arrow. They themselves were just supposed to be the counterbalance to gas masks.

It is a massive nerf, and it makes the sword entirely useless, especially now that the Annihilator exists.

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A gimmick item has one of the lowest drop rates? Maybe you thought it is gimmick…
Its useless now. Like the bloodlife spear.
Remove it, so that you can get other rare drops…

I truly thought it was a coup de grâce weapon. Like, I got an honor kill on you by risking using the SoC. But then I’m a cockeyed optimist. :wink:

I received an undead purge the other night: when the Undead Dragon spawned I got 35 undead shalebacks at once. From them, post-fight I got all of 22 DB. From the Undead Serpentmen who also came, I got a proc of 1-2 at 22-23 each per dead guy. Elite crocs look like my favorite so far, though.

When was the sword introduced and when thralls?
Maybe the dev behind the sword always had the idea of putting it on thralls?
Was the dmg ever nerfed of the sword?

But again, it ruins the legendary pool of rare drops.

You farm Red mother for the bow or torch (or mask) and then you get useless spear as the rare drop… Like me… have 2 Spears without usage, but no bow… horray.

A crap weapon is still crap even if it was made crappy on purpose.

Introducing crap to dilute the drop pool is not a good thing. It is a F2P scam tactic (they use it to dilute gatcha drop pools so people will waste more money trying to get what they actually want), and we should not be encouraging that sort of behavior in CE. At least in it’s previous state it still had a functional purpose as a thrall weapon.