One step forward, 10 steps back

Yup, you’re talking about the Flos Duellatorum right?
The gym where i trained for some time was based on those writings.
Anyway it’s really sad to know that no parry will be implemented =(

Wow, you spent all that time refuting his points with a really dumb stance? Do you even play this game? How many ppl do you see using a two handed axe? And you think the great sword is better now? You’re probably one of those players that didn’t realize you could alternate between R1 and R2 attacks literally creating 10+ combo alterations.

The update to add the L2 combo to be the overhead chop that no one asked for is the exact reason the annihilator got nerfed.

I guarantee you play a PVE server with the opinions you hold.

I completely agree with this post., everything from changing the loot tables. And not injecting any of the new ideas from the community after hundreds of thousands of hours of playtime. It’s so frustrating. It’s like yelling at a brick wall, it’s just no point. It’s obvious that people making the changes in the game do not play it. And have little understanding of its mechanics, and how they impact the game in PvP and PVE

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