Our bases dissapeared in a pve server

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1001
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

We conected today and all the buildings went dissapeared, just some thralls floating where there should be a floor and some decorations

Bug Reproduction:

My clan mates conected and everything were lost

Oof… if it happened suddenly with time left before decay, you likely violated a rule or multiple rules. Large walls extending too far from base? Decorative land claim (braziers or useless, but pretty structures to keep people from encroaching)? Killed a spawn of a boss, npc, or rare material? Blocked off a certain area of the game or built so much that it crashed people trying to get by? Any of these can be a factor for base removal. Also, you’ll likely be banned and anyone that was in your clan come the server reset tonight. Typically it’s a two week ban from all official servers.

sometimes it happens for no reason due to a rotten bug.

a former person on my server lost his base because of this.

is most likely that person had leldarium and several other rare thing in his base.

and one of my teleporter was also degraded for no reason. Luckily I was able to save him before she disappeared

I can only say that I had this problem when people have built a bases near me

I have heard of the early decay bug, but it’s not super common. I think it’s pretty unlikely that’s the cause, but anything is possible.

Not sure how eldarium and other rare items would have any impact on it though. They’re native game assets and should have no baring on bugs. I have a few hundred eldarium bars in my EL base and never experienced these bugs… and I’m on PlayStation, which is one of the most unstable versions of the game.

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Maybe one day :laughing:

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Don’t say such things. :unamused:

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I can see it either way . The PVE servers are in dire need a a MegaMaid cleaning as i swear I saw a Waffle house at Stargazer’s on one of them…but at the same time is that just general instablity or admin enforcement of the TOS? And does it matter?

Did you stop in for a bite? Sounds like an interesting build… :thinking:


I personally observed base timers losing time on a few occasion. It is rare but possible. I still have no clue as to why this happens. A veteran of my server thinks it’s propagating timer from other bases near. Like a bugged build ID merge from two clans. I have observed bases lose up to 1 or 2 days of timer. I have also observed base gain time ( server crash, server restart). The whole decay system needs an overhaul to be independent of such factors.


At the end it looks like a shadowban, because our bases where in places that didn’t cut any path, even our first one was been moved. So, some jerk abuse the system

I wouldn’t call it abusing the system. It’s put in place for the exact reason to allow people to play the game without issues. It’s possibly you received a ban due to another reason. Funcom states they don’t acknowledge every request and they review on a case-by-case report. You may want to contact zendesk for more information.

There are people on the official servers that don’t know the rules, or worse still, don’t care about the rules, and make others suffer for it. As someone who’s been banned for landclaim, even if I built really pretty stuff, I tend to try to let others know when I can. Funcom doesn’t give any warnings, nor do they care if you lost everything. They only go in, delete, and ban. Sometimes when I let other players know, I get a negative response from them like, “shut up” or “f-off” or “leave me alone, Karen.” Sometimes I get a thank you from them. It just depends on the individual’s personality and how open they are to critical feedback. I mean, better I let them know than they find out the hard way like I did. If they don’t heed my warnings, it’s on them from there. If they get reported, they have no one to blame but themselves.

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Share some pictures of your base ? :stuck_out_tongue:

This was our siptah base that got wiped. It had a bridge that went to the main island and some fancy braziers to keep people off my back. The final screenshot is what it looked like after the wipe (I added the shit shack lol). Not surprising, after we rebuilt a smaller, but nice base, it became a massive free-for-all of encroachers. I now have a base on the plateau right in front of me… that’s getting bigger and uglier. so much for the pretty view. :expressionless:

pretty city .too bad funcom didn’t like it :frowning:

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Yeah… someone didn’t like it anyway. It was there for over a year, practically since Siptah was released. When Funcom released 3.0 and broke everything, it got worse and we found ourselves wiped and banned, likely reported by someone who doesn’t even play anymore. So… idk… we were in a high traffic area, and it was a bit laggy at times for players, plus we had those “decorative land claim” parts, so it wasn’t a huge surprise. Just discouraging. We had so many resources, plus tons of crafters, including ones I transferred over from EL. We’ve rebuilt with smaller outposts and a smaller base since then, but with the lack of crafters you can easily acquire on siptah, we haven’t fully recovered just yet. Our new main base is the following screens. We tried a more modest approach, but as I said, we end up with heavy encroachment from other bases. You can see one on cliff RIGHT IN FRONT OF US in the last screen. Super annoying because that doesn’t solve anything. Whereas we were causing lag alone before, now our base in conjunction with others in our render distance causes lag all over again… we try to be considerate of the server, but few others understand it’s bad etiquette to build too close to someone else’s base. :unamused:

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You had that on a public server :roll_eyes:

Yes there certainly is. :mirror:

Yes, I’m going to say it. You know I’m that guy. Builds like you have shown are why I left the public servers. Lags down my game when I’m in draw distance, lags down the server when more then 5 people are on.
And I’ll report a village on a public server in a heart beat. People thinking it’s ok to build a small town is why the server rules need to be far more clearly defined.

You want to build a village? Do it single player or on a private server.

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all depends where you build.

if you build in a place can patronize.

you won’t have a problem for quite a while.

If I say that it’s because there’s a good reason

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In my opinion, a base like this is no different than a castle someone builds (the second set of pics), both take up the same amount of space and most likely use similar amounts of placeables and building materials.

Personally I love running around and coming across something like this, it looks amazing and is fun to explore and check out the different tricks they used to create cool designs. I understand people could do that on a Private Server, but some people just don’t like playing there.

Plus @jmk1999 does acknowledge his first base did maybe have a bit too much “land claim” aesthetic builds to keep others away. The second one looks much smaller than 90% of the stuff I see on the Official EL server I’m on. Heck, it’s much smaller than some of the giant Sandstone walls I’ve been seeing pop up all over the Highlands. That stuff is worth reporting, not this, in my humble opinion.

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Agree, but not in your way. As I said I left the public servers because those builds made parts of the map unplayable, in my opinion; 10±5fps is not playable to me. But this is a subject that has been stomped dry with no solution; because it’s up to Funcom to provide one.

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