Overall Improve all npcs

I’ve been playing solo since I knew the game ( 2-3 years old )
And I never wanted to play multi, knowing that even if I did, I would play alone…

I had the pleasure of discovering the dlc “Blood and Sand” last weekend, which allows for the construction of the arenas,
and for once I really appreciated the content of this dlc !
( for constructions ).

But playing alone, is does not disturb me, even though I know that much of the game is created for playing in multi, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to force ennemy npc to fight your slaves in an arena?
Other than capturing a character to become a slave, why not make it a gladiator like Conan himself?

Building the arenas would make sense…

Blood and glory!

After nothing prevents to invite players,
but for me who prefers to play alone,
for discover the world of Conan Exiles at my rythm, when I want it, and especially without having buildings glued to mine …

it is clear that I prefer to play solo,
and that suddenly unless invite a hord which would come from a purge,
I do not see what would serve an arena, except for the decorative side …

And first, overall improve all npcs in game.
( Behavior, raciale appearance, etc )

( le récapitulatif si mon anglais est trop mauvais : )

Je trouve le Dlc " Blood and Sand " magnifique, au niveau des constructions, mais pour moi qui préfère une expérience solo il est plus simple pour moi de jouer seul, malgré qu’il m’arrive de jouer à des mmos, ( Jeu Massivement Multijoueur ) comme Guild Wars 2, TESO, etc, malgré que Conan Exiles ne soit pas un mmo, mais juste un jeu de survie en ligne ou l’on peut jouer en pvp/pve/pve conflict.

Il y a toujours ces aspects similaires aux autres jeux en ligne, le pvp ou le pve, plus tout ce que l’on retrouve dans les jeux de survie, comme Ark, Rust, etc…

Donc serait il trop compliqué pour une expérience solo, et même multi, d’avoir la possibilité de forcer des exilés à combattre dans une arène ? au lieu de tout le temps les envoyer à la roue de la souffrance ?

Mais je pense qu’il serait mieux, premièrement, d’améliorer les personnages du jeu, de manière globale.


You can summon any NPC that you want via the admin panel in single player. This would allow the duel that you desire.


Halk, Ah bon, plus de sens en quoi ?
Je m’exprime quand même de manière très correcte dans ma langue maternelle, mais après tu veux peut être dire, que l’anglais est plus facile ici à comprendre que le français…?

After, Yes Multigun we can summon npc in game, but i want to force ennemies to fight in an arena, but without cheating, the most natural possible.

And therefore overall improve the npcs ( behavior, racial appearance, etc )


If you use mods I would recommend Pippi, yuo place NPC spawners. I havent yet use Pippi for it, but it has that feature.

Really ? i used pippi some time ago, thanks for the information JurgenJuggernaut,
i will watch this …

Although I would have preferred to capture enemies when they knocked out in groups of 3-4 characters, unfortunately there is a bug that I can not capture more than one character at a time, otherwise the others disappear …

And it becomes difficult, because some enemies are very different from others, like these pirates of the black hand with their humor lol :slight_smile:

I personally haven’t tried this but you could knockout some thralls and instead of putting them in a wheel of pain, drag them to a holding cell that leads to your arena. Then when they wake up, have them aggro you and lead them out to the arena and have them fight your tamed thrall(s) already inside the arena. Probably could kite beasts/bosses to your arena as well to have them fight. Might be worth a shot to try and see if this works.

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