I was sort of hoping to get gear for finishing pvp objectives. Like kill 10 players, finish mini, win mini, fatalities… whatever. Getting new friends, learning to pvp.
It is kinda stupid from a player perspective to offer up level 20 gear with no level requirement on a pvp server. Anyone who doesn’t pony up the cash for it will be at the mercy of anyone who has. But look on the bright side. most of the old school diehard pvpers wont be investing in this gear and the new players who do will be a little more challenging and wont quit right away from getting viciously sodomized by vets.
I know it’s just business but I still hoped for at least a little bit of a “competitive environment” with the weekly ladder and so on.
Too bad the population is split up into 2 servers again, many are on saga where I don’t play and Crom will probably be a desert like it was during the last saga server… at least I was able to play on that server but the new one…
I assume when people who cannot afford the gear sets as they level get ganked for a few hours on a rezpad, Crom will bounce back.
PAY … or die!
Was expecting for some kind of p2w but not this way. Why not at least put level 20 requirement on level 20 gear?
What about Comber users? Are they going to ban or take some sort of action against them?
I’m not sure why some are surprised at this. You would think on a fresh start pvp server, the proper thing would be not to have things like this able to be bought, but the almighty dollar is supreme and greed will win out.
I liked Funcom company till this day
I agree its all about the money Zaldar
But to have people being able to buy this bundle for “cheap” amount of Funcom points is all fine. But for the first week it should all be about having fun, gathering people, getting goodwill and spreading the word of the PVP Saga server. Then next week as people get to 20 they should be able to wear the Level 20 items they have purchased as people then kinda can circumvent the biggest disadvantages of the p2w hoards. Oh well, I wonder if this, a wee bit greedy move, will be benefical or detremental in the long run.
do you really have to be so desperate?
thats just rediculous:D
EDIT: i wrote a threat “Funcom if you need money so badly prostitution is the better business for you”
mods moved it within 5 sec to here - why? was just a threat to start discussion to help funcom earning more money:D i have nothing against p2w i swear:D
I already see people that are pvp level “4” through item shop boxes… and ofc those certain people from u know what guilds from fury only rolled rangers and necros
mhh can i also buy a spot at the “tournament” ? and another good suggestion would be to make ingame shop cheats you can buy (so i can win said tournament)
Wait so… you can buy chests in the item shop that provide pure PvP EXP?
no i want to buy “skill” in the ingame shop - wouldnt that be great? not only can i buy a gear advantage i could also cover up that i would get reked by any decent pvp player - i think funcom should ad that to make the game more balanced.
The first game with an ingame shop of cheats
just buying pure pvp xp is not enough
edit: force yeah in the pvp boxes can be 5000 pvp xp oh wait up to 25ooo:D
yes you can…
lol even up to 50000 pvp xp
hahaha funcom im proud of you
Damn, that’s ridiculous.
I know the EXP do not mean “real” skill but still, as someone who rarely plays PvP I have to face hardcore PvPers who got gear that is miles ahead of the normal gear you would have and now they even get to level up faster even though the sole reason for this server was to have a fresh starter basis for everyone who creates a character there.
Though, I don’t see a reason why people would even buy PvP EXP if you get a full PvP T1 set at level 80… unless you need to reach certain PvP levels too.
hand that gear out to everyone or divide pvp on that server into 2 different instances. one where this gear is allowed and the other in where it isn’t equipable. this is just ridiculous!
Between this and the kill count being changed for no good reason this server will be dead in no time.
I knew this would end up being a complete joke from the beginning.
Was going to roll a toon anyway just for some low level pvp fun like old times. I was not going to go all the way to 80 again.
The rewards for this are garbage and give no incentive for somebody like me that has all the toons I care to play already fully geared for PvP on the main server.
Now I see I would have to pay them even more money to be competitive for the week or 2 I actually would play it? No thanks. As always Funcom lives up to their reputation of never doing anything right.