So… When can we expect any news about the Saga server? 10 days till it begins, I am a PvP player and curiosity kills me
I am a PvE player, not liking PvP at all and not happy with next saga being a PvP server - yet I am curious about this new server even more than this guy above me!
Release the Kraken already!
think you can expect p2w gear in the shop for all these brackets.
sadly it might make dungeon/world blues sub-par, and kill off activity that might have been fun for more PvE players to attend too - doing dungeons in the right progression and farming the dungeon/world blues. Heck, might be fighting over the best farm-spots, but my guess is the shop-gear will be overtuned to the point “get it or go home”
@Mussagana hope you won’t overtune whatever options are in the shop! some people want to farm their stuff through whats available throughout hyboria, not the shop! ofc understand the need to make some moneys, but consider this too =)))
80 lvl t2 pvp set via item shop is fine, I hope we will get enough xp / badges and whatever stuff needed to upgrade our equipment once we reach 80 lvl.
What I would really hate to see is (+7% crit potion, this is way too OP) and any pvp armor sets for every stage of saga server. PvP is the most entertaining when both players have equal chance to win. Those who would obtain any items via item shop would have a great advantage over other players.
Instead, any boosting items should drop from killing other players as it was on the Rage server, based on luck. My personal opinion.
Hmm with the talking about gear… why not completly BLOCK power tab (for gear) and allow players to only equip the social/vanity tab?
All naked - no need to farm gear (apart from vanity) - more skill based PvP?
And if not now @Mussagana you have a base idea for next Saga = Saga of the Naked Ones
There will be some things available, but we’re actually disabling the progression packs that are currently in the game (like the Quick Start bundle), because they’re too powerful for their level and I don’t want those to ruin the brackets.
Lol, only if you allow me to make it hardcore too. As in, if you die, your character is deleted.
And what about the loot crate lottery which give those legendary weapons, huge pvp xp and tokens? And are you guys intending to add packs giving better gear than what is available in game at lower levels (like the levelling packs the saga of zath server had)?
You can find info in this thread:
"AndyB - Community Manager
Saga of Blood will follow a similar route that Saga of Zath did; you’ll create a new character on a separate server and advance your character following a server-specific “Saga Quest” which gives special server-exclusive rewards for completing tasks. The big difference from Saga of Zath is that Saga of Blood will follow a PvP ruleset, with rewards and features revolving around PvP.
A full post is coming soon, but in the meantime, you can look forward to things such as tiered level caps (so, for example, when the Saga launches there will be a temporary level cap of 18, meaning Tortage will be a madhouse for a while, no RF/WB, leaderboards to track various stats, and we’re planning to hold a dueling tournament at the conclusion of the Saga based on leaderboards.
Mussagana - Lead Designer (AoC)
Acheronian Ruins, White Sands, and Tortage Underhalls will all be pvp enabled. You could definitely do night quests to get to 18, but in order to advance the saga quest you will eventually need to kill other players. It’s also advisable to do this because XP gain from other players will be vastly increased.
Mussagana - Lead Designer (AoC)
The cap will start at 18, then go to 30, and then increase by 10 all on a weekly basis. This means that minis will be inclusive of all level ranges on some weeks, and on some weeks the top level will be in its own tier. I’m interested in watching the activity levels and feedback generated by that.
Combined with the vastly increased XP gain, this will funnel all players toward the top of the current tier very quickly. And it should create some interesting competitive gameplay the likes of which the game hasn’t seen in the past."
Since we are going to be capped at level 18 for the 1st week are you going to change it so we can create a guild at an earlier level or are we just basically S.O.L till week 2?
No guilds would actually be pretty funny
Gotta like the hypocrisy here . Even gave a heart, doh
Yeah, I’d love to hear the explanation for this one.
Forgot about that post lol, thanks for bringing it back up. This is bad even by Funcom’s standards.
Why not just be honest about this? Im sure most people will understand if you say that you need these packs to fund the server etc, but stright up lying and saying there will be no overtuned gear per bracket is worrying. Also persuaded 3 friends to join on Saga, but I don’t want to tell them they have to pay to be competative…
I can assure you it already did but in the bad way unfortunately.
@Mussagana can you please log on into the Saga of Blood server, level up your char to 18 and hop into a random minigame? I would like to know if its just my noobiness or you would also have some tough time there against those in Itemshop gear, weapons and PvP levels (ofc do not buy or give yourself those).