PC - Age of War Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

It’s the little guys that screw us, not the bosses :smile:
Got a bow on my first spider…
It took a severe hp nerf. It only took me two pairs of stone daggers to kill it. They are still dumb af. The skeleton keys have a new design. :smile:

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I am heavily concerned about the Legendary buff, not for the legendaries themselves, but for how easy it is to acquire one early game.
Before, it was sure a power spike to get a legendary weapon, but now it is entirely game breaking for the early game!
I really shouldn’t have been able to go into Klael’s Stronghold and kill the Gate Guardian at lvl 20, just because I got a Legendary Strength weapon despite investing most of my points into Agility :skull:

My answer to this issue has two parts.
→ Bosses should drop different weapons based on how difficult they are.
→ Boss fights should have better movesets so that even the easiest bosses are actually a challenge and not just a “let me circle around you with stone daggers lololol” :+1:


Just got the Axe of the Lion, and big surprise XD

So this is now the Predatory Blade 2.0, with massive Light Attack Damage, but which does 1 damage on Heavy Attacks :melting_face:

Things sure are changing, but idk if they are changing for good or not :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got a glimmermoon (after two bows). Went back to skulker’s end and it was like a hot knife cutting through butter.
Lvl 16, I haven’t even placed the points since I left skulker’s end.
Conclusion: it’s a little more difficult until you land your first legendary.

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If anyone gets the Battle Pass challenge to place treasures…
You can place and pickup and place again the same treasure multiple times to complete :upside_down_face:


no more ToggleDebugHUD?

that was only nemedian foundations with this problem or ceilings too? May should i hold on to login till a fix comes out? Or if another player pass near my rendering area the problem will trigger too?


Deadly npcs, and high ping (that you will not be aware of). Great for increasing the tension!

Dog Worried GIF - Dog Worried Scared GIFs

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Ok, Funcom the exile lands you can always buy pickaxes, legendary weapons and my slaves there via the wizards with the arrow of mek kamoses, but on siptah nothing more, suddenly I have wizard skulls but where to put them since there are no sellers or pots where to put them, does anyone know where they are or there are just none on the island of siptah?


None. They gone friend

time to roll back all servers, can you please ask the team behind you, many have lost years of gathering in seconds, other games can roll back, im sure (hope) funcom have a backup too :slight_smile:

Red Mother, Green Dragon, Locust Queen, Lacerta boss, all super easy battles. Sorry guys, I want this Age to be phenomenal, and it looks like Chapter 2 and 3 may redeem it (hopefully?) but man you’ve dropped the ball with these combat changes. There’s zero challenge so far. Maybe with hordes of enemies it may be different but from my very limited time in beta, it’s pretty hard to get cornered by a mob now as most are too bored to attack me. At least I lost no placeables like other poor bastards have. I guess that’s a plus? Or just a non-negative?

Gonna stop playing for a while, please roll back officials for the sake of people who have lost heaps of stuff due to the instability issues you’ve caused. I don’t care about any progress I lose. Just do the right thing by the people who lost their stuff.

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Loving the AoW. To be fair, I did not reroll character to at high level. But the new Treasure carry-system (no running) is excellent. I can only imagine the screaming and shouting and hilarity as players raid players/try to rob ‘Treasure Walkers’. Lots of fun.

Stamina will take getting used to, and I like it when the bosses clobber hard, but we will see as this Chapter progresses.

I see completely new opportunities on PvP servers. Raiding will be a completely chaotic thing now with poor wretches staggering about trying to scamper off with their ill-gotten statue or chest.

Amazing stuff! Thank you!


This is ‘‘best’’ thing in this update… ELITE wolf cant kill one damn kudo anymore, basically fight was 1 minute and kudo deal more damage than elite pet… kudo died because i helped to kill… so age of war is about prey becoming hunter i guess… XD


Just got the Sword of Crom.
I am currently Agility 3 and Grit 2, for a total of 165 stamina points.

I don’t know if this is intended, but I can easily play with the sword due to the incredible stamina regen!
A heavy attack does drain my entire stamina bar for now so only using it as a finisher, but I can do one light attack (130 stamina points) + dodge, and repeat a second later due to massive stamina regen :sweat_smile:

I don’t know what to think about this tbh

2 scull BOSSES?------------
Have you manage to find one yet?

When you unlock rolling thrust you will be able to spam roll and attack with sword of crom too :slight_smile:

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How long does it take for the treasures to respawn? The cat in the galleon is still gone.

I did manage to find 2 in total, 1 in skulker end and 1 in new asgard.
They are rare, maybe more than a T4 crafter.

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Between 15-30min I think. I did multiple runs between asgard, galeon and a camp in the jungle and got this in 4 hours of gameplay.