i was admin on private server when i get purge and other clan had purge later
Some bugs may be related to Unreal Engine, but probably not the majority.
E.g. the ‘equip light armor’ journey step being tied to a language specific word instead of to its item identifier is just the result of a Dev not knowing what he/she is doing. And incorrectly sized collision boxes (of which there are many) is also not related to the engine.
Funcom made millions on the sales of CE, but they are cheap-skating on the dev team. That’s why the 1.0 release had so many bugs and that’s why those still are not fixed.
Downclocking card is not a solution. Factory overclocked cards are simply better binned chips,
Issue with Conan is probably because Conan wants more power then other games. I have higher temps on GPU when playing conan then other games, even if other games are always in higher usage range, especially since I locked conan at 30 (with external limiter since in-game is useless garbage).
The issue with power is that newer GPUs have more advanced power limiters, pascal cards even determinate how much frames it will push based on thermals and power used.
I have noticed some weird things when touching some ini settings, especially on GPU side and I would not be surprised if they happen all the time in smaller intervals, which can make GPU unstable.
I personally run small OC with conan, but in order for other games to reach conan’s heat, I need to add 50mV and 110MHz on core, and these other games do not run at ~50% most of the time, they run in between 80-100% depending if fps hits the cap. I would probably need to run my 270x at its maximum 1302MHz/+94mV on core in other games to make card to consume same amount of power at 1175 MHz without any voltage/power limit added.
Conan gets GPUs to extreme levels when light sources start to combine (which is another reason why lightbleed is bad, its not just visually terrible) and I will might even open my case to check how much power it really consumes.
Anyway, I will swap blue thumb for this game into red one on steam.
I only suggested it because its the official advice, they recognise there are issues with overclocked cards. I appreciate it’s not a good thing.
dude saying they made millions is simply false Information. If a game Company makes 1.5millions do you really believe it is 1.5million in their pocket?
They have maybe like 200K the rest is for financing other stuffs. Thats what ppl don’t understand but then again i’m a buiseness man i know this.
Try and do the math. Lets say you get 3K a month as an employee. Now calculate what 1.500.000 millions will be over what period time even without considering the other costs funcom has to pay.
Also with every new release of a build or Content, Comes new bugs. Thats just the way it is.
I think money is not the problem here. Funcom has a few tough years behind itself. They have to resign employees multiple times. Now they launched Conan Exiles with big success. It’s their biggest success by far ever! And it was the first time they developed a game in early access. They decided to use UE4 engine, and even upgraded it during EA which also needs time to gain experience. Furthermore they decided to release it on two other consoles, too. Sure, you can tell they should focus on PC only, but you can’t blame a company to try to earn money with their product. And you can’t simple slog away such a product after you have to shrink your company so much. They have to adapt to the situation and that simply takes time.
exactly. You pretty much nailed it.
PMSL - 1.5M sales at £34 each equals £51M ! Now let’s be generous and say they end up with just a quarter of that after paying staff, advertising, Steam fee’s, Xbox and PS4 licences and production of merchandise, and the dreaded TAX bill, thats still about £12M profit.
Even with your maths, £200k per £1.5M in, that’s still £7M
I’m confident that money isn’t the issue here !
well tbh we both don’t know what each individual employee earns etc and my english might not be so good but i think this article explains better how the costs occur and how it is been managed.
here is the link:
In spite of that, it is not common for a game to be released with as many bugs as CE has.
If things go according to plan their next update will contain 500 “changes/adjustments/fixes” - they might not call them “bugs” but we all know that many of those changes/adjustments/fixes must be bug fixes - even though they also say that “minor game updates are changes like bug fixes and upgrades and tweaks to features” Steam Community
Let’s be clear that an update containing 500 fixes is not “minor”.
For Solo Players it makes it them worth doing and it takes a fair bit of preparation. If you include the time to build the palisades, set them up and lure a mob into them it still takes about the same amount of time for a player solo as a group of 4 or so… Maybe a little less.
I’ve done it once in Single player not a single Palisade wasn’t damaged against the first gator. I’m sure I can adjust it to save some. I just couldn’t get the ■■■■■■ locked in so there is some skill involved still (you really need more than the 10 I had)
you need between 1000-2000 sticks depending on the animal. A Single player on base setting is going to spend a lot of time doing that. It is good use of the game mechanics.
Besides you still can’t get the legendaries until you are 60.
They have nerfed enough.
While I see your point regarding time consumption, I still disagree with you. The point is, that world bosses and legendary weapons should be something special. But it doesn’t feel like that. I agree, that the world bosses have enough hit points. But that alone doesn’t make them a tough fight. They strike to soft. The only boss i would call a world boss right now, is the undead dragon. Sure, you can solo it with palisades, too. But with its fire breath, it can kill a player even in silent legion with a single attack, if you don’t doge it quickly enough! Funcom already announced special attack for world bosses, so I think they move into the right direction.
Dragons and Crocodile King are easy to solo in medium armor with a hardened steel pike, it just takes around 10-15 minutes. I’ve used the palisades on the scorpion and tiger bosses and it just felt cheap to watch their health fall in only a couple minutes. It takes all of the feeling of accomplishment for a long hard fought battle out. It is very cheesy.
That is your opinion though. There is always a segment of gamers out there that think because they can do something easily everyone should.
From players on PS4 and Xbox which having tried PC controller set up is difficult as I didn’t grow up with it. A server with a little lag can make life tough. Or people that would rather not spend 10-15 minutes on a single mob going poke poke dodge pause poke. It is super boring.
Just because you feel that way doesn’t mean everyone does. Add to the fact that nearly all XP has been removed for Exploration making levelling fairly serious grind for the last 10-15 levels. The last thing that there needs to be is yet another nerf.
And with all of that being said… if you don’t want to do it… don’t do it. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you… and if they are than you have way more problems than asking for more things to be nerfed.
They aren’t all that special though. The fact they are put behind a level wall where you can get better weapons (I think there are maybe 2 or 3 that are really decent depending on build) by the time you can open the chests. As such finding good legendaries is a grind in and of it self.
If it takes 30-60 minutes to grind out the mats for 15 palisades(1500 sticks), and you lose 5 each time (if not more) and you my have to open 20 chests to get the gear that is helpful (the others just go to thralls or decoration) that is 4 hours of grinding just the sticks. It takes 2 -5 minutes to set them up, 3-5 minutes to kill mobs. That is at least 15 minutes per mob. Likely higher. Which means it saves 0 time just makes it easier for solo players or players that aren’t as proficient. These same players are likely to have a hard time with dungeons. The Palisades are a smart use of a natural game mechanic and are behaving as intended. They are just being used inventively.
If the ease factor is an issue here are a few things to nerf first.
Oil Orbs stacking.
Explosive damage being lowered tier 2 or 3 walls. (as it shouldn’t be easy to raid through a wall)
Lowering splash damage
the Bleed effects of lower tier daggers
The AI use of Shields
No build zones in the oasis near animal groups. I can no long build a good gate house in my favourite build location which is a great purge base as it is level one and has a natural moat. I can block the entire entrance of the starting zones if I choose to, but I can’t build near a shellback nest
None of these actually need to be fixed it is the nature of the game. However to me they are much more impactful than palisades which can’t be nerfed really without removing them from the game or adding in code to make them immune to spike damage… at which point you just trap them inside and poke them or shoot them with arrows. Which just takes longer and is pointless.
Just leave it as is… if you don’t like it don’t do it.
Some legendary weapons have stat bonus which is worth it. I would lower the hitpoints of bosses by, lets say, 30 % to 50 % but rais damage and or add some sepcial attacks to them. Nerfing palisades itself is no option.
Well they had lower HP but was seen as too easy to now they have much higher hit points. They have basically the same specials that their smaller versions have. Which makes sense really. If you gave them special mechanics the RPers would have a bit of a fit as they are just giant versions. You can’t raise damage too much more without risking them one shoting new players. There are 3 World Bosses I can think off that higher damage could produce needless rage. Their are 2 Gator that are encountered very early on depending on start location. The Shellback King is the easiest of bosses. The Tree Boss up at the circle of swords has been known to surprise people. The first Scorpion and Spider bosses people may encounter are all so possible to cause issues.
The White Tigers and Rhino are honestly the only two I’d say is logical to buff and both aren’t easy as it is.
Mechanics though are a dangerous thing. Once you figure them out the game gets on easy mode. The Abysmal Remnant for example is hella easy to kill if you do it right.
While yes there are some that are worth it the amount of grinding that is required for players on Console or solo is fairly high as it is basically RNG. As such the currently the system works well.
I Understand where you are coming from though. Particularly are 60 they are kinda pointless before then, they likely don’t give much of a challenge. The only low level one is the Shellback King and you do that just for the head really.
My suggestion is this Replace 1 or 2 of the gators (there are at least 4) with a new boss that is more epic with it’s own chest with slightly better gear. Rework Spiderman and maybe add a new boss in the north some place to find as well. That would give three Epic World Boss plus the Undead Dragon which has been around for a while. They can have harder hits, higher XP and special mechanics. each drops a gold or silver key and unlocks a unique skin chest. Each chest contains a key and some mats. The Keys open up 3 locations in the world (that have closed doors that can’t currently be opened) that will either have mats or recipes for a Epic set of Weapons. That require the items from the chests and locations to make. Meaning you have to down all three epic bosses and then go to the locations to unlock the items and get the last recipe items.
It leaves regular legendaries for most players and provides a epic, difficult and unique set of challenges to more advance players. You could even give them a purge damage modifier to structures like Palisades and walls. To limit their usefulness. And by putting some of the needed materials in chests it prevents a player from using harvesting multipliers from being able to make a load of the weapons. (like the way you can gather chest keys on private servers)
My point is that a legendary weapon is not something that should only cost a couple minutes worth of branch gathering and a couple minutes of palisade cheesing a boss. Yes, there is some RNG involved as to which weapon you get, but all legendaries are better than craftable flawless weapons (aside from silent legion). It is not intended game mechanics, so all i asked was that Funcom fix the amount of damage palisades deal bosses.
There are only a few that are actually better most have lower base damage and the same basic modifiers just higher durability. They really aren’t that big a deal. It also takes about the same length of time to kill them using smarts over brawn as it does brawn when you take it into account.
Again if you don’t like it being done don’t do it.
You can get over 2400 branches in under 5 minutes chopping dried trees with a pickaxe on a x1 server.